Highland Council’s leader is calling for UK and Scottish Government clarity and co-operation on Barnett consequentials for local authorities.
A cancer charity that brings comfort to sufferers and their friends and family, is set to benefit from a runaway fundraising success.
A resilient Inverness nurse who qualified while supporting siblings through a family crisis has received a prestigious new university award.
A nursing home near Inverness has been told to improve on how it deals with wounds and skin damage suffered by adults in its care.
A shinty player who has never run a marathon before is aiming to complete a remarkable seven in seven days for Highland Hospice.
Fishy goings-on along the River Ness will be a focus for the BBC’s Winterwatch team until the end of January.
They throng with visitors in peak tourist season, but are by no stretch of the imagination monster-sized settlements.
Highland Council stands accused of “insulting pupils” and undermining educational attainment by delaying expansion of overcrowded Culloden Academy.
New Year is a time for resolutions and we’ve decided to revive our HN Action campaign.
Staff at the Highlands’ flagship leisure centre breathed a sigh of relief after management backed down on a pre-Christmas plan to end furlough.
The announcement that the Nairnshire Telegraph has ceased publication after nearly 180 years was received with shock and sadness in the community.
A project aiming to capture the essence of the Highlands has recruited a graduate to delve into the region’s rich identity and story tradition.
People in the Highlands have been stumping up on average an extra £61 on Christmas shopping because of extortionate delivery charges.
A national fashion chain store has dealt Inverness another significant jobs blow by closing down permanently.
Rapid repairs to a flood-damaged footpath in Cromarty have earned the praise of two local councillors.
A Beauly jeweller has donated his time and expertise to a drive to buy new sensory toys for blind babies.
KIND-HEARTED kids at a village primary school above Loch Ness have been bringing Christmas joy to care home residents.
He has dealt fearlessly with the physical threat of strikers from Liam Boyce to Moussa Dembele.
If there is to be a crisis on Christmas Day, SSEN's Pam Harvey sincerely hopes it will be minor in nature – but is ready to spring into action.
Abby Henderson of Highland Home Carers loves her work and making the festivities memorable for those in her care adds to her job satisfaction.