Highland Council budget leader Alister Mackinnon claims he had to quit after being “kicked in the teeth” by politically-motivated rival councillors.
Plans to equip armed Scottish police with body worn video (BWV) technology have been given overwhelming backing in an Inverness Courier poll.
A fresh bid to convert a vacant Inverness bakery shop into a bar will be considered by Highland Council planners.
A care home battling a mass outbreak of the Covid-19 virus has reported another rise in the numbers of residents and staff affected.
A solicitor took a critical swipe at the multimillion-pound Inverness Justice Centre claiming it was “impossible” for him to do his work properly.
Two Inverness music venues that faced the threat of permanent closure earlier in the pandemic have been taken off a UK charity’s critical “red-list”.
Police Scotland want members of the public to give their views on the potential use of worn video technology by armed officers.
Cases of Covid-19 infection at a care home hit by a mass outbreak have risen overnight to 56.
Members of the public are being asked for their views on the potential use of worn video cameras by armed police in Scotland.
A care home hit by a mass outbreak of Covid-19 cases has reported another 18 positive test results.
For the budding young footballers of Balloan FC, the stakes are high.
A fed-up pensioner is being bombarded with threatening letters from British Gas – despite promptly paying a bill for boiler parts.
An ambitious new marina development given the go-ahead by planners is set to offer Inverness a significant economic, social and cultural boost.
Campaigners against an “unacceptable” plan to build a luxury house beside Culloden Battlefield have welcomed a major public body’s stance against it.
A nursing home near Inverness has been hit by a mass outbreak of Covid-19 cases.
Outstanding agricultural students are being invited to apply for a national bursary award aimed at greatly easing the cost of studies.
Travel agents, brewers and indoor football centres are the latest businesses to be offered Scottish Government financial support of £7.3 million.
Farming families in the Highlands and beyond are being offered the chance to take part in a hit BBC documentary on the agricultural lifestyle.
Highland Council must achieve ambitious Scottish Government targets for tackling climate change, its recovery board heard yesterday.
Highland Council’s leader is calling for UK and Scottish Government clarity and co-operation on Barnett consequentials for local authorities.