A donation pillar is to be installed at a centuries-old harbour to help generate funds for its repair and maintenance.
Ambitious plans to turn a former kirk into a shop, design studio and café have suffered a blow after transport chiefs objected over road safety fears.
An Inverness school has helped a literacy scheme reach a Scottish milestone - after it became the 500th to achieve Reading Schools accreditation.
Police have appealed for help tracing the owner of an “out of control dog” which injured a man on the sea front at Nairn.
Festive fun has helped to raise thousands for the children of a local school following a very successful Christmas Fair.
A “stark jump” in the number of homeless Highland children is a direct result of “cruel austerity policies”, an MSP has said after demanding action.
A weekend of top live music got under way in Inverness in fine fashion last night when Skerryvore wowed a packed sell-out crowd.
A leading figure in the Highland life sciences sector has been awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of the Highlands and Islands
Flight cancellations have hit passengers travelling to and from Inverness Airport amid the ongoing impacts of Storm Darragh.
Lifesaving crew members at a local RNLI base have briefly swapped the sea for singing - after teaming up with a choir to record a Christmas single!
Dozens of jobs have been saved after a buyer stepped in to take on some of the assets of a collapsed Highland haulage firm.
Train services travelling back and forth between Inverness and Elgin are all suspended and snow gates have been closed on the A939 at Tomintoul.
Excited city and shinty leaders have given a sneak peek inside the multimillion-pound redevelopment of Inverness’s Bught Park sports facilities.
The longest stretch of road set to be dualled on the A9 in the Highlands has passed a key logistical hurdle.
Snow disruption is likely to hit the Highlands when Storm Darragh arrives, the Met Office has warned after issuing a yellow alert for the region.
The hospice said it “simply could not run” without the wonderful army of volunteers who help make it such a force for good in the Highlands.
A popular café in the Victorian Market has been taken over by the owners of another of the market’s eateries.
A planned closure of the A96 for vital roadworks has been pushed back to next week after adverse weather forced its postponement.
A new piri-piri chicken restaurant and takeaway for the heart of Inverness looks imminent after workers began refitting the site.
Emergency gas pipe repairs will close a lane off the busy A9/A96 Raigmore Interchange next week, and motorists have been warned to expect delays.