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Rocky Horror meets Frankenstein for Nairn theatre group’s new adult panto

The full Spank&Stein CAST: Sally Weller, Jean Morrison, Ian Finlayson, Ashleigh Wilson, Marlene Williamson, Mary Beaudry, Mark Wyer and Sandra Wiseman. Picture: James Mackenzie.
The full Spank&Stein CAST: Sally Weller, Jean Morrison, Ian Finlayson, Ashleigh Wilson, Marlene Williamson, Mary Beaudry, Mark Wyer and Sandra Wiseman. Picture: James Mackenzie.

A Nairn community theatre group is getting ready to take on stage with their second production after a successful Christmas panto debut in December.

Since their sold-out show, ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas, Community Acting and Singing Together (CAST) members have been hard at work for their adult panto Spank & Stein, which will be on at Nairn Community and Arts Centre in May.

CAST co-founder Jean Morrison said the group is looking forward to performing in front of the audience with a “hilarious” show.

Mark Wyer and Ian Finlayson. Picture: James Mackenzie
Mark Wyer and Ian Finlayson. Picture: James Mackenzie

She said: “With Rocky Horror Show meeting Young Frankenstein, we have a hilarious show for people to enjoy.

“It's a fun-filled, adult-themed panto – rude, cheeky and totally mad.

Mary Beaudry, Sally Weller, Mark Wyer and Marlene Williamson. Picture: James Mackenzie
Mary Beaudry, Sally Weller, Mark Wyer and Marlene Williamson. Picture: James Mackenzie

“Cast members are from our Christmas panto, which was a huge success and thus, with our second production, we are hoping it will be just as successful as profits go to local good causes.

“We hope to have plenty of audience participation with singing and dancing in your seats to great music.

Adult Frankenstein panton actors. Picture: James Mackenzie
Adult Frankenstein panton actors. Picture: James Mackenzie

“I am directing with help from Dionne Monteiro who also has her work cut out with choreography. We also have Ashleigh Wilson who is also a dancer – the rest of us have two left feet!!”

Proceeds will go to the Seaforth Club in Nairn, where the group has been rehearsing since its start at no cost.

Sandra Wiseman rehearsing her part. Picture: James Mackenzie
Sandra Wiseman rehearsing her part. Picture: James Mackenzie

Spank & Stein will be on show on Friday, May 3 and Saturday, May 4 at Nairn Community & Arts Centre from 7.30 pm to 9pm.

Tickets can be booked via the centre at nairncc.co.uk or by phoning 01667 453476.

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