09 December 2023
Community-spirited efforts to help people struggling with the cost-of-living crisis have seen a Culloden butchers' employee honoured for their work.
07 December 2023
It’s an unhappy fact that the nationwide ‘obesity crisis’ is worsening all the time, with the range of health problems it brings, says our columnist.
03 December 2023
The parties separately underlined how Scotland was energy rich but fuel poor and demand action from the UK government
03 December 2023
Almost £2500 was raised at an Inverness church craft fair for the Highland Foodbank.
26 November 2023
A charity shop in Inverness that sells brand new Zara stock has become a global fashion hotspot
22 November 2023
A new study ranked the Highland capital as the ninth place in the UK most whose residents are most concerned about the cost-of-living crisis.
19 November 2023
The SNP MP says the ‘Tories must not leave families in the cold this winter.’
09 November 2023
This week it emerged tenants had amassed £3.3 million in debt to Highland Council due to the cost of living crisis
06 November 2023
Inverness has by far the highest number of housing applications, states Highland Council official.
05 November 2023
This came as the venue had its “most financially successful” pantomime on record.
03 November 2023
All school strikes planned by the union UNISON have been suspended for members to consider an improved pay offer for local government workers.
01 November 2023
As more people struggle to afford private rent or rising mortgage payments, they are turning to the local authority, says our columnist.
28 October 2023
A small club based in Inverness have been awarded a Dance Summit Bid to compete globally in Florida next year.
18 October 2023
Some economists had been predicting the rate might drop to 6.5 per cent, but it has remained unchanged at 6.7 per cent amid rising petrol prices.
15 October 2023
I was a little concerned that clients, out of gratitude to Christians Against Poverty might feel pressurised to explore the faith, says our columnist.
08 October 2023
On average, around 650 'free' breakfasts and 930 'free' lunches were served each week.
06 October 2023
An award winning student from UHI Inverness has talked about the day-to-day struggles of being a working student
30 September 2023
Most Highland schools were shut on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday due to some non-teaching staff being on strike.
25 September 2023
A key Scottish Government advisory group has taken soundings in the Inverness area from those at the sharp end of the struggle against fuel poverty.
21 September 2023
A bike jumble sale and clothing swap will take place in Inverness over the next few weekends.