WATCH: Inverness dancers are 'over the moon' to win dance bid allowing them to compete in Florida
A small club based in Inverness have been awarded a Dance Summit Bid to compete globally in Florida next year.
The Dance Summits is a large and prestigious event in Florida, USA, where teams from all over the world compete, much like the dance version of the UEFA Champions League.
CCD AllStar Cheer and Dance won the bid at a recent dance competition that allows a small selection of teams from across the world to compete against each other, to be crowned champion.
This is the first time a bid of this type has been awarded to the age group selected to compete in Scotland making it a 'once in a lifetime event' for the dance squad.
The dedicated team of dancers include girls and boys from all walks of life who are determined to win gold.
Codie, 21, is one of the dancers in the group heading to the US. She started dancing from the age of three and has continued that passion through recently having her own daughter.
She said: "I went away to Edinburgh to study dance and then in my last year I unexpectedly fell pregnant, so I moved home to Inverness to have my child.
"To be back here dancing has been brilliant. It is hard being a mum and juggling it all, but it's also been so worth it."
Teenager, Isaac, is still studying at school whilst training every week. He started dancing for his current dance coach since the age of four.
He said: "I got dragged into dance by my sister and I have been doing it ever since. She's gone off to London now and I aspire to be like her, and working towards that dream.
"It can be hard breaking the stigma of being a boy dancer, but I just have to get on with it and ignore what everyone says."
Head dance coach, Dianne Macaskill, said: "Dance is so important to be because it just gives all kinds of children that come through the door a lease of life, it teaches them discipline, life lessons and is somewhere they can come to feel completely safe and encompassed."
When talking about the groups recent achievement, she said: "To be going to Florida now is so, so exciting, but its also really nerve-racking as there are so many costs associated with it.
"Travelling internationally is a huge thing for us and its the first time our team has won any type of bid, so we really are just over the moon."
CCD AllStar, Cheer and Dance are set to travel to Florida, Orlando at the end of April to compete at the beginning of May, 2024.
This is a massive opportunity for the group of talented dancers, to not only represent the local club, but the Highlands and Scotland as a whole.
The club supports local children from all walks of life and we strive to provide equal opportunities for them.
Obviously this type of commitment comes with huge costs associated, meaning that the crew are reaching out to their local community, and businesses, for as much financial help as possible via their fundraiser.
Dianne said: "We know times are tough for everyone so any help at all you could offer would be immensely appreciated."