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What is imposter syndrome and how do I overcome it?

By Rachel Smart

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What is imposter syndrome and how do I overcome it?
What is imposter syndrome and how do I overcome it?

The phrase ‘imposter syndrome’ was coined over 40 years ago, but over the last decade it has been more reported than ever before.

But what exactly does it mean? According to personal development coach and founder of Will to Win, Clare Humphreys, it ultimately means “feeling like a fraud”

She explains: “Basically it’s self-doubt on steroids! Imposter syndrome is the condition of feeling anxious and not experiencing success internally, despite being high-performing in external and objective ways. This is why this condition often results in people feeling like "a fraud" or "a phony" and doubting their abilities and somehow be “found out”.

“When you do have a success or achievement you cannot recognise that you have done it and place it down to luck or being in the right place at the right time. It’s constantly undermining yourself by ultimately believing you are not good enough.”

A survey of 5,000 individuals by the training and apprenticeship provider Executive Development Network found that while imposter syndrome is common, with 50 per cent of UK adults having been affected by it, some groups suffer significantly more than others.

More than half of women (54 per cent) feel they have experienced imposter syndrome, compared with just 38 per cent of men. Those who identify as non-binary are worse affected, with 57 per cent doubting their abilities in the workplace.

Clare continues: “People feel like a fraud or certainly question themselves in everything they do and have a constant internal battle going on. You can imagine, It takes up a lot of our energy and draining to experience these feelings of imposter syndrome.”

Clare Humphreys, of Will to Win has created a four week masterclass to help overcome imposter syndrome. Photo: Alison White
Clare Humphreys, of Will to Win has created a four week masterclass to help overcome imposter syndrome. Photo: Alison White

Having been someone who has battled with imposter syndrome herself, Clare is now on a mission to help others in the region who may also find themselves constantly questioning every little thing they do and questioning “if they are good enough”

She’s created a four-week masterclass to allow people to have a deep understanding of what imposter syndrome is, the causes, how it shows up and how it keeps people a prisoner within their own mind.

“The masterclass will show people how imposter syndrome has an impact on life and businesses, and I’ll provide people with techniques to overcome it.

“I’ve got a lived experience of what it’s like to battle with imposter syndrome, as I used to always feel that my success was never really down to me, and I always thought that I was going to be found out.

“I want other people to now experience the freedom I’ve found, and they won’t need to live under self-placed shackles.

“Those who have already done the masterclass have just bloomed and it’s been a privilege to see them coming out the other side, it feels so freeing.

“I’m really looking forward to being able to offer this to more people.

“It’s for everyone. I think we just assume that it’s just people who are quiet and reserved who have imposter syndrome, but it affects the most outgoing and confident people too, whether a man, women, young old, it really doesn’t discriminate but you can overcome and put the right strategies in place for you to live to your true potential…”

Get in touch with Clare today at:


07765 056440


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