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WATCH: Nairn 12-year-old pianist releases first single

By Federica Stefani

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Sophie Boyne. Picture: Callum Mackay.
Sophie Boyne. Picture: Callum Mackay.

A talented 12-year-old has released her first original song after being noticed by a local music producer.

Nairn Academy pupil Sophie Boyne released Will I Trust Again after mum Alana sent a recording to Alan Greer of InTime Records.

Having played piano since she was five – and been singing since she was born – it is the first step towards realising a life-long dream.

“It’s quite exciting,” she said.

“My mum always mentioned that it would be good if I tried to write my own songs, but I never really thought about it until recently.

“One day I just started improvising and singing random words until it kind of formed.”

Sophie said she has a broad range of inspiration, from classical music to Freddie Mercury, Adele and Olivia Rodrigo.

“I have always wanted to have a career in singing and music,” she said. “I really want to keep on doing it, I really enjoy it and I think it could go somewhere.”

She is currently working on more music as part of her first EP, which she is working on with the help of Mr Greer.

He said: “Production-wise, you always look for a rough diamond, and that’s what I see in Sophie.

“When Alana sent me her recording, I thought ‘We’ve got something here’.

“There’s a lot of people that are good, It’s very rare to hear a song that comes along that’s got something special, and she’s really got it. The fact that she is only 12 years old is even more impressive.

“Working with her is great, a lot of artists are like a closed book – but with her, you open a door and she goes through it.”

Sophie Boyne at the community centre, where the video of her first single was shot. Picture: Alan Greer
Sophie Boyne at the community centre, where the video of her first single was shot. Picture: Alan Greer

Alana said she is extremely proud of her daughter.

“I heard her play one day and asked her what song she was playing, and she said ‘oh, it’s just a song that I wrote’. When I heard that, I thought ‘oh my goodness’!

“I took a video and sent it to Alan, to see if we could get it recorded properly, just as a keepsake – but it has grown arms and legs since then.”

She said it’s a combination of hard work and natural talent for Sophie, who has a strong family connection to music on her father Steven’s side. Her uncle, Per Husby, is a Norwegian jazz pianist and his daughter Julie is an opera singer.

“Everyone on that side of the family sings, which is really good” said Sophie, who bagged first place at the Inverness Music Festival in March in the intermediate themed piano category.

Music teacher Gillian Cummins – who has taught Sophie from the age of six - said music feels “an integral part” of Sophie’s life.

“There honestly hasn’t been one lesson when she hasn’t come through the door looking excited and enthusiastic,” she said. “She absolutely loves playing the piano.

“She has a keen musical ear, a strong sense of rhythm and a lovely singing voice. She’s also able to create real colour and character in her playing, going way beyond the notes to paint pictures and bring different musical styles to life.

“And, underpinning all this, Sophie puts in loads of hard work, both in her lessons and at home. She understands that high standards don’t just happen on their own!”

The video for Will I Trust Again is available to watch on YouTube with the song available on all major streaming platforms.

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