Consultation on Culloden Academy is under way so the public can see the 'masterplan'
Highland Council is today staging a consultation event for the proposed new masterplan for the replacement of Culloden Academy – a project estimated to cost well over £20 million.
The engagement session concerns the pre-planning application and the proposed phase 1 development with presentations due to start at the current school building at 16.30 and 18.00.
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Those unable to attend could take advantage of a virtual public consultation event on Tuesday November 22 at 18.00 via Microsoft Teams – those wishing to take part were advised to email
Officers will present a design masterplan for the long-term redevelopment of the Culloden Academy campus and the eventual replacement of all the existing buildings.
Capital funding has been approved for the proposed first phase of the extension and refurbishment programme but the council was at pains to underline that no application has been submitted.