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FilmG Gaelic short film competition breaks record for most ever entries

By Philip Murray

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Children at Staffin Primary School on the Isle of Skye, pictured above, working hard on their film for this year’s competition.
Children at Staffin Primary School on the Isle of Skye, pictured above, working hard on their film for this year’s competition.

A RECORD breaking number of entries have been submitted for this year's FilmG – the Gaelic short film competition.

Some 104 submissions have been received from all over Scotland, and even slightly further afield after the first ever entry from the Isle of Man.

And FilmG organisers MG ALBA and Skye-based Cànan Graphics Studio (CGS) were impressed by the diversity of the entries.

Debbie MacKay, Project Manager at CGS, said: “With the number of entries we’ve accepted this year, the FilmG judges had quite a job on their hands!

"The quality has been remarkable, and it was evident how much work our entrants had put into their films, and how much enjoyment they got from making them. Shortlisting and choosing winners will be no easy task.”

Project supervisor Murdo MacSween, communications manager at MG ALBA, added: “Like many similar events, FilmG faced it’s most uncertain year ever in 2020 and to see a record number of entries shows how much the competition is valued.

"The feedback we’re getting from schools and filmmakers show just how important it is that young Gaels have creative outlets like this and we’re incredibly proud of everyone involved."

Voting is open in the youth and open categories at filmg.co.uk.

Winners will be announced on BBC Alba on Friday, March 19.

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