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MBE- the letters that inspired hop hop show

By Margaret Chrystall

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Jonzi D (left) and Ivan Blackstock in new piece Broken Lineage.
Jonzi D (left) and Ivan Blackstock in new piece Broken Lineage.

SO if you were offered an MBE – would you take it?

For most of us, it’s never going to be a problem – few people are offered the chance to be a Member of the British Empire.

British hip hop pioneer Jonzi D was offered it, but instantly felt it wasn’t right to accept it.

Many artists and performers over the years have decided to say no – both the late Beatle John Lennon and Sex Pistol John Lydon didn’t want one.

But Jonzi D – the man behind the Breakin’ Convention hip hop culture event returning to Eden Court in 2014 after last year’s success – decided to play out his dilemma on stage in The Letter.

Jonzi D will appear himself in the solo piece, one of three you can see on Wednesday at Eden Court.

In a night called Lyrikal Fearta, Sadler’s Wells associate artist Jonzi D, his friend and dance collaborator Ivan Blackstock and a local guest artist will present new work alongside The Letter.

Jonzi D is excited about Broken Lineage which he will perform with Ivan of BirdGang Dance Company, a dancer who is well-respected in both the commercial dance world and the hip hop battling scene.

The two performers will explore the idea of the growing divide between the old skool and new school hip hop generations.

"Hip hop as a culture has lasted 40 years and there’s no sign of it stopping," said Jonzi.

But a cycling accident stopped Jonzi’s tour in its tracks when he crashed into a fence.

He explained: "The first three weeks of this tour were cancelled as a result of me riding my bike into a fence and smacking my patella.

"It was only next morning when my knee had swollen up to the size of a small melon, I realised it could be a problem.

"Even then, I was convinced that with some ice on it I’d be fine in a couple of days and get on with the show.

"But when the doctor said ‘No’, I literally started sobbing.

"It didn’t hurt that much, it was the pain of realising I had to cancel and the administrative headache – and letting down friends of mine.

"But I’m back stronger and the new piece, Broken Lineage, is stronger because I was able to concentrate on it for longer. So it’s all good."

Lyrikal Fearta is at Eden Court on Wednesday local guest artist Butterscotch also joining Jonzi D and Ivan Blackstock. for a longer version of this interview, go to our website and head for whats-on/theatre

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