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Inverness athlete is looking to impress in European Championship trials

By Will Clark

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Inverness Harriers' Megan Keith finished 1st female runner with a time of 35:06...The Back to Basics 10k Road Race held on Sunday 6th June 2021 on the outskirts of Forres...Picture: Daniel Forsyth..
Inverness Harriers' Megan Keith finished 1st female runner with a time of 35:06...The Back to Basics 10k Road Race held on Sunday 6th June 2021 on the outskirts of Forres...Picture: Daniel Forsyth..

MEGAN Keith says she is looking forward to the European Cross Country Championship trials later this month after winning the British Cross Challenge title.

The Inverness athlete claimed the British title with victory in Cardiff last weekend when she won by 17 seconds from her nearest rival.

She says it was good preparation for the European Cross Country trials which are taking place in Liverpool on Saturday.

Keith (21) says she is looking to put in a performance which will see her selected for the European Championship which takes place in Brussels on December 10.

Speaking after her victory in Cardiff, Keith said: “I am just keeping it going and holding momentum for a couple of weeks before Liverpool.

“It is always good to have a focus in the winter months and the Euro Cross is a really good one to have on the calendar as an aim.”

Keith says she was pleased with her performance which landed her the British Cross Challenge title in Wales.

She said: “I was told my lead was 20 metres during the second lap and I was doing my best to hold it so I’m glad to hear it grew toward the end.

“I took a nice long break after track to refresh and came back feeling fit. I had a bit of a blip about a month ago and was on the bike for a week.

“I think I rested too hard. I learned that tendons don’t like rest. I think I off-seasoned too hard! But it didn’t seem to set me back.”

Keith is looking forward a successful 2024 after an incredible year, which included becoming European Under-23 5000 metres champion and competed at the World Athletics Championship.

She said: “We are still figuring it out and I would like to try indoors.

“I have never ran indoors before so the first step is to try a race, but it is an exciting year ahead.”

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