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Glen given away draw in Camanachd Cup

By SPP Reporter

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PREMIER Division Glenurquhart face a potentially tricky tie in the second round of the Scottish Hydro Camanachd Cup after being drawn away to current North Division One leaders Kinlochshiel.

Lovat are also on their travels when they go to Glenorchy, while the pick of the ties is Newtonmore's home clash against Fort William

The full second round draw is as follows:

Taynuilt v Kingussie

Oban Camanachd v Kyles Athletic

Lochcarron v Kilmallie

Inveraray v Lochaber

Glenorchy v Lovat

Bute v Glasgow Mid Argyll

Newtonmore v Fort William

Kinlochshiel v Glenurquhart

The second round ties are scheduled for Saturday 4th June, with the final taking place at Bught Park, Inverness, on Saturday 17th September.

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