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Former Celtic teenager Adam Brooks confident goals will come soon for Inverness Caley Thistle after frustrating offsides cost striker first goals for Highland outfit

By Andrew Henderson

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Adam Brooks is confident that goals will start flowing soon in Inverness Caledonian Thistle colours – despite a frustrating afternoon against Dunfermline.

The 19-year-old had the ball in the back of the net twice against the Pars, only to be denied on each occasion by the offside flag.

After scoring 13 times for Celtic's B-team in the Lowland League last season, hopes are high that Brooks will be able to kick on and become a regular scorer for the Caley Jags too.

Adam Brooks twice had the ball in the back of the Dunfermline net – only for them both to be ruled out by the offside flag. Picture: Ken Macpherson
Adam Brooks twice had the ball in the back of the Dunfermline net – only for them both to be ruled out by the offside flag. Picture: Ken Macpherson

He is sure, then, that it will not be too long before he is able to celebrate a first goal for Inverness.

"It was frustrating – personally I didn't think two were offside," Brooks, who revealed that he received an apology from the referee for his first-half strike being ruled out, said.

"Maybe one of them was, but these things happen. Everybody makes mistakes, so it's unfortunate, but that first goal will come soon enough.

"It's confidence that I was building into the game, and that I started my first game in the league.

"I just wanted to get my first run right, my first shot, my first tackle, and just work hard to build on that. Things will fall into place eventually."

Caley Thistle fans can be encouraged by how Brooks linked up with Billy Mckay and Nathan Shaw on his first league start, with the trio showing early signs of a potentially potent partnership.

The former Celtic man feels good about how ICT's squad are beginning to gel together generally, but in particular he believes there are improvements being made in the final third – with the teenager also learning and developing all the time.

"The gaffer has been drilling into us over the last few weeks too that as soon as we work hard, things start falling into place," Brooks explained.

"Myself and Billy up top were working hard, and Goose (Nathan Shaw) in the hole as well.

"We were all after it in the first half, going man for man, and we created space for each other and created a lot more chances than we have in the last few weeks. It was definitely an improvement, but there's still a long way to go.

"It has come quite naturally for us. Goose is obviously very talented in the pocket, and I look at Billy when he's playing because I play quite similarly to him.

Nathan Shaw showed signs of getting back to his best in his role behind Brooks and Billy Mckay. Picture: Ken Macpherson
Nathan Shaw showed signs of getting back to his best in his role behind Brooks and Billy Mckay. Picture: Ken Macpherson

"We bounce off each other quite well, and he makes runs and then speaks to me. Learning off of him is a big thing for me as well. He's an experienced player who has had a good career, so it's all good for me and we're working well together.

"With the gaffer being there as well as a striker, I can learn from him. Being out there in training every day and seeing how he works, I think it's exactly what I needed for my career seeing someone who has been on that big stage and learning from someone like that.

"I didn't see much of him myself, but I've heard all about his career. Even in training, you can see bits and pieces of his finishing – he's definitely still got it!

"I like to play on the shoulder of defenders, but in this league you're not always going to be able to do that, so I need to learn to hold the ball up as well. I've been working on my strength and hold-up play, which is new for me, but I will keep learning as games go on and the more I practice, the more it will come."

One thing that Brooks is keenly aware of is the need to keep strong levels of belief in the dressing room, with Inverness adamant spirits will not fall too low as their way for a first Championship win of the season goes on.

"Dunfermline was a step forward, we're going in the right direction compared to the last few weeks, but it was still disappointing in the end," the teenager added.

"Performance-wise there were some mistakes we still need to cut out. That happens, but in terms of keeping the ball I thought we were better.

Caley Thistle's wait for their first Championship win of the season goes on. Picture: Ken Macpherson
Caley Thistle's wait for their first Championship win of the season goes on. Picture: Ken Macpherson

"The determination to get after the ball was a lot better I thought too, so we are improving.

"Obviously with two or three new signings coming in since I joined, we're all getting there and gelling in training.

"Results at the weekend haven't been going our way, but we're all coming in on a Monday and getting at each other. We all know now that it's not personal, it's just about getting the best out of each other.

"It is clicking, it will just take a few games to get used to each other and the way everyone plays.

"You've got to take the positives out of games. We have been going through a bad run, but we can't let heads drop because it would only get worse if that happened.

"We have to keep heads high and keep going, keep trusting each other, and it will happen."

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