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YOUR VIEWS: Smart meter headache and robot mower failure hits Inverness Castle grounds

By Gregor White

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Smart meters have been a problem for one reader.
Smart meters have been a problem for one reader.

‘Smart’ meters ‘don’t make much sense’

I read today that 10 percent of “smart” meters aren’t working properly. That’s roughly 4,000,000 in the UK.

Still the push from energy companies continues as they try to coerce customers to let them install their new unreliable technology.

I was sent incorrect bills for six months by my energy provider as my gas meter stopped working and wasn’t sending a correct reading any more. Apparently it’s too far away from the electricity meter BUT it had worked for a year, so that doesn’t make sense.

I thought they were billing me for gas and electricity but they were only billing me for electricity. When I sent in a manual reading they helped themselves to about £520 from my account!

The home screens only tell you what you’re using, so if you’re not planning on cutting down on using your kettle/oven/ TV etc ( and you’re not are you ?) then there’s no point in having a so called “smart” meter.

Avoid letting them install a “smart” meter. Just carry on taking a reading as usual. It’s much simpler and you’ll avoid all the stress and frustration.

Alan Roberts

Kinnairdie Avenue


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Overgrown grass on castle grounds at Castle Street - not everybody minds. Picture: James Mackenzie
Overgrown grass on castle grounds at Castle Street - not everybody minds. Picture: James Mackenzie

Robot mower breakdown blamed for grass cutting delay

The neglected appearance of the Inverness Castle grounds overlooking Castle Street was attracting comment last week. And it transpired that the breakdown of a remotely controlled “robot” was to blame. A spokesperson for Highland Council’s amenities team said its robotic mower was out of service due to a fault and the area would be cut as soon as it is back in operation.

“I’m sure they can use a non robotic mower and get the job done. Used to them years ago with rope attached to a mower to get the castle side done” - Pauline MacDougall

“Prob don't need ‘no mow May’, enough dandelions etc alongside of most roads I'd think, clogging up drains when they die off…though most drains are full to brim already, no wonder roads flood!” - Tracey Hamilton

“They need to get a grip, go back to using mowers and strimmers.” - Anne Budding

“Just fill it with wild flowers, sorted, it's great for the soil and wildlife.” - Andrew McKenzie

“What's their excuse for the rest of the town?” - Susanne Hamilton

“It should be left that way and only tamed slightly in my opinion. Since when did nature become ‘scruffy’?” - Michael Lightbody

“A good community service squad would sort that oot back in the day.” - Kevin MacPherson

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