YOUR VIEWS: MSP 'right to oppose gender bill'
One reader responds to gender legislation.
Local SNP MSP Fergus Ewing is to be congratulated for voting with his conscience against the government’s promotion of the self-ID bill. He rebelled against the whip along with eight other of his colleagues including a minister who resigned.
Whether they will be punished for defying the party remains to be seen. But they are to be commended for standing up for what they think is right and the majority of their constituents will be backing them
The government’s self-ID bill proposes to cut the time from two years to three months to permit people to change their legal sex and to scrap the two doctor requirement. For the first time also 16 and 17-year-olds will be able to change their sex. This would inevitably result in heavier promotion of transgender ideology in schools.
Apart from that there are risks to women and girls from any male sex offenders identifying as women in order to gain access to women only spaces and places.
Recent social attitude surveys have revealed the overwhelming majority of people are against this bill.
J Maclennan
Castle Heather
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