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Top job was a pleasure says outgoing Caley Thistle chairman

By Andrew Dixon

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Caley Thistle chairman George Fraser
Caley Thistle chairman George Fraser

CALEY Thistle chairman George Fraser has announced his intentions to stand down after four years at the helm.

The businessman described it as a privilege and a pleasure to be the top man at the Scottish Premier League club.

The shock move is expected to be confirmed at the club’s annual general meeting on 22nd September.

"It had always been my intention to stand down at this AGM as it is my emphatic view that a football club, like any business, must always pursue a policy of introducing new faces and fresh thinking to maintain its successful development," said Mr Fraser in a statement.

"So after six years on the board it is the right time for me to move aside.

"It was important for me to conclude, prior to announcing my decision, the negotiations which have recently brought in a substantial sum of investment.

"This is very welcome and I sincerely hope the club will in due course be able to finalise an arrangement with a group of expatriate supporters who have expressed interest in acquiring significant shareholding.

"After chairing my fourth AGM my intention is to stay on the board for a short period prior to stepping down as a director.

"It has been an immense privilege and pleasure to be chairman and I know there are many high calibre people in our community to maintain the good work of being chairman of a wonderful community club."

> See Tuesday’s edition of The Inverness Courier for more.

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