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Public consultation starts for Inverness bypass

By Andrew Dixon

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Bypass will link A9, A96 and A82
Bypass will link A9, A96 and A82

PUBLIC consultation on the much-awaited multi-million pound Inverness bypass route has started.

Views are being sought by Highland Council on eight different options for completing the link from the A82 to Dores Road, with crossings over River Ness and the Caledonian Canal.

When complete, it will link the A9, A96 and A82 in a bid to decrease traffic congestion in Inverness city centre.

The consultation will run until 16th January next year.

It will include an exhibition at Kinmylies Church between 11am and 7pm on 29th November, followed by a public meeting at Inverness Leisure from 7.30pm.

There will be another exhibition at Culduthel Christian Centre between 11am and 7pm on 1st December, followed by a public meeting at Inverness Royal Academy from 7.30pm.

A 15-member cross-party working group of Highland councillors will assess the feedback from the public before recommending a route to full council next year.

It is the second time route options have gone to public consultation.

Last year views were sought on five link roads, but three additional options were added after feedback from the public.

> You can participate in the public consultation by clicking here to get to the Highland Council’s website.

Related articles:

> Inverness bypass route options

> Dingwall councillor to sit on city bypass panel

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