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Sunak vows to ‘unleash businesses’ as he denounces economy ‘naysayers’

By PA News

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Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has denounced those pessimistic about the UK economy (Aaron Chown/PA)

Rishi Sunak has vowed to make Britain “the best place in the world to do business” as he criticised “naysayers” on the economy.

The Prime Minister, who is due to travel to the G20 summit in India at the weekend, also said investors are “flocking” to the UK.

Speaking to the Daily Express, he said: “I want to build a country where everyone can look forward with optimism, confident that our children and grandchildren can have a better future with every opportunity to succeed.

Investors around the world are flocking in to seize the amazing opportunities that we have to offer
Rishi Sunak

“The first step to achieving this is unleashing businesses so the economy can thrive – and that’s what we’re working every day to deliver.”

He will head to New Delhi as negotiations continue over a post-Brexit trade deal, with reports Mr Sunak could be planning a second visit to India this autumn in a bid to finalise an agreement.

Ahead of the gathering of the world’s 20 largest economies, the Brexiteer Prime Minister told the newspaper: “Britain has a proud history of being one of the best places in the world to invest.

“Thanks to the unparalleled talent of our people, our world-leading universities, our unique and highly respected legal system, and the fact the UK is such a brilliant, vibrant place to live, we have long been a hub for global enterprise. My ambition is to go even further – to make Britain the best place in the world to do business.

“With our Brexit freedoms, we are going even further to show that Britain is open for business. And the effect is clear – investors around the world are flocking in to seize the amazing opportunities that we have to offer.”

Mr Sunak also denounced those pessimistic about the economy, after it bounced back from the pandemic faster than expected.

The Office for National Statistics last week revised its estimate for the UK’s post-pandemic growth, saying the economy was larger in 2021 than in 2019.

Mr Sunak said: “The declinists and the naysayers were wrong – the economy performed well then and it is coming back stronger today.

“That’s the message I’ll be taking to the G20 in India. I won’t just be working with presidents and prime ministers to deepen our trade and investment links, I’ll also be meeting CEOs – because they want to hear more about what we’re doing in the UK.”

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