Nairn slimmer Kirsty Maxwell is inspiration to others
A NAIRN slimmer who lost a total of 10st and 6lbs has met a Dancing on Ice star at a national competition.
Kirsty Maxwell (27) slimmed from 23st 3lbs to 12st 11lbs and was among the 35 women at Slimming World’s Woman of the Year competition.
While she was there she met Jake Quikenden, who was on hand to congratulate her when she reached the semi finals of the search to find the UK and Ireland’s most inspirational female slimmers. Although she made the top 10, she was not the overall winner.
She was voted for by the members of her Nairn group and said: “Before I found Slimming World everything just felt like such a struggle. I felt uncomfortable all the time and would get out of breath doing the most simple jobs.
“I had resigned myself to being the size I was forever because having so much weight to lose just felt like a huge battle.
“After I joined Slimming World my eyes were completely opened, I found a new way of eating that fit easily around my life and I finally felt in control. What made it even better was that I could still enjoy my favourite meals like cottage pie, pizza, curries and cooked breakfasts. I just prepared and cooked them differently.
“At the start of my journey if you told me I would be representing my group at the semi-finals of Slimming World’s Woman of the Year competition I would have laughed at the thought. The changes I made were so simple though – little things like switching white bread for wholemeal and using low-calorie cooking spray instead of oil. I soon started to notice big changes and it wasn’t long before my clothes were too big and I was in the next size down.”
Dawn Stevenson, who runs the Nairn group, said: “The change on the outside is plain to see, but she has grown so much in confidence too.”