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Major Inverness housing development plan sparks drop-in event

The housing would be located in the area shaded in red. A detailed layout and breakdown of the house types has not yet been made public.
The housing would be located in the area shaded in red. A detailed layout and breakdown of the house types has not yet been made public.

PLANS for a major new housing development on the banks of the River Ness will be available for the public to view at a special consultation event next week.

Ness Valley Leisure Ltd is seeking planning permission in principle for the residential development "and associated infrastructure and open space" on land at Ness-side.

The parcel of land earmarked for the development in documents lodged with Highland Council sits to the south of the southern distributor road, and to the west of the Dores Road Roundabout. The land would encompass the area around Ness-side House and stretch southwards as far as West Lodge.

A public exhibition and drop-in event is planned for next week. It will be held in the Holm Mills Shopping Village on Tuesday, August 8, from 1pm to 5pm.

"[This] will give you the opportunity to view the draft proposals for this development," said a letter circulating from the applicant's agents, Mabbett & Associates.

"Information and drawings will be on display and you can discuss your views with the planning consultants and prospective applicants.

"Comments sheets will be available at the event on the day".

People can also comment on the Mabbett Planning and Design website at www.mabbett.eu.

People can also email rgrant@mabbett.eu by Tuesday, August 29.

The application is currently for planning in principle. A full planning application – detailing the specific layout and housing types – would also need to be submitted and approved before any development could take place.

More council news.

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