Inverness school club gets positive inspection report
An out of school care provider picked up good grades following a recent visit from the Care Inspectorate.
Kinmylies Out of School Club based at Caretakers House at Kinmylies Primary School is run by CALA Out of School Care for a maximum of 18 children, from two years up to primary school age.
On a scale where one is unsatisfactory and six is excellent was used it achieved fives for
care, play and learning and the staff and fours for setting and leadership.
The unannounced inspection was made in March, 2023 with inspectors finding children were very happy and relaxed, staff had a very good understanding of children’s needs and worked closely with families and other to ensure high quality care and support, and children were engaged in activities that promoted their imagination and curiosity.
They also said effective quality assurance had identified areas for improvement and that staff were committed to improving their skills, knowledge and understanding to ensure positive outcomes for children.
The report stated: “Children were very happy and relaxed. They experienced caring, warm and nurturing approaches to their personal care and learning needs.
This contributed to children feeling safe and secure.
“Children had developed close bonds with staff members.
“To support children to be happy and confident, staff had effectively used personal planning information to enhance individualised care, support and learning opportunities.
“Snack and mealtimes were calm, relaxed and inclusive. For example, children who needed extra support with eating and drinking joined their peers.”
Regarding the setting it was said: “Children would benefit from a broader range of rich and stimulating resources to support their play and learning. We identified missed opportunities for curiosity and problem solving.
“The management team had identified this as an area for improvement and were in the early stages of reviewing resources and adding open-ended materials to extend children’s play.”
Regarding leadership the report said the recently appointed manager was familiar with the processes in place and would continue to support staff to continually evaluate the service they provided.
The report added: “Staff were enthusiastic and motivated in their roles and had undertaken additional training to ensure they had the skills and knowledge to support children to reach their potential.
“This meant that children received high quality care and support from staff who were trained and competent.”