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Inverness man threatened shop worker with a bike chain

By Ali Morrison

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A 31-year-old Inverness man who went on a theft spree in the city last summer to steal almost £3500 worth of goods was "staggeringly on thin ice" when he appeared to be sentenced at the city's sheriff court.

Sheriff Gary Aitken told Arin Proudfoot, described as an Inverness prisoner, that if he had been the first judge to hear about the catalogue of dishonesty, Proudfoot would be serving a lengthy jail sentence.

But when Proudfoot previously appeared, the court was persuaded to call for a drug treatment and testing order (DTTO) assessment and social workers deemed him suitable.

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Proudfoot had admitted four charges of theft by housebreaking, one of shoplifting and one of threatening behaviour by brandishing a bicycle chain at shop staff. Sentence was deferred for a DTTO assessment and a background report.

Proudfoot pleaded guilty to stealing household items, electrical goods and toiletries from Farmfoods in the Telford Retail Park on June 1, 2023 worth £881.53 by forcing entry by dislodging a shatterproof glass panel.

Fiscal depute Alison Young said the cost for repair was £244.45.

On August 7, 2023 Produfoot broke into the Charleston Post Office, stealing £2090.51 of alcohol and cigarettes. He also entered the nearby Taste of China takeaway and stole various goods including meat. That value was unknown.

His crime spree came to an end at Go Outdoors, again in the Telford Retail Park, when he stole a £166 jacket on September 24, 2023 and behaved in an aggressive manner in the store when challenged by staff. He laughed as he ran off after threatening a woman employee with the chain, Mrs Young added.

Defence solicitor advocate Shahid Latif told the court: "Social workers say that he recognises he needs help and appreciates the error of his ways. He knows he needs to change."

The sheriff told Proudfoot: "Break-ins to commercial premises are wholly unacceptable. So is shoplifting, particularly when you swing a chain at an employee. You are staggeringly on thin ice and you need to sort your life out now!"

Ordering Proudfoot to complete a two-year treatment order and wear an electronic tag for a year to monitor his movements between 8pm and 5am, Sheriff Aitken also wanted a review within four weeks.

"You will get one opportunity,” he said. “If you do not comply, you will be brought back before me and I can guarantee that it will be years in jail. Are you going to take the chance?"

Proudfoot replied "yes" but Sheriff Aitken commented: "The social workers think you are suitable for the DTTO, I seriously doubt that."

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