Highland MSP Douglas Ross labels drag queen story time event aimed at kids as 'totally inappropriate'
Douglas Ross has labelled an upcoming drag queen story time event 'totally inappropriate'.
The event will see 'Miss Lossie Mouth', aka teacher John Campbell, lead an interactive show at Elgin Library on Saturday aimed at children up to the age of six.
However, the Highland MSP and Moray MP says that he has been contacted by concerned constituents following the event's announcement.
Mr Ross said: "This show is totally inappropriate to be held for children under six. While these shows are suitable for adults, they are not for very young children.
“Story time for babies and young kids – such as my own two sons – shouldn’t focus on gender or sexual identity.
“I have raised concerns on behalf of constituents who have contacted me about this with the council and I look forward to their response.”
Moray Council disabled comments on a social media post announcing the event this week.
The council cited 'offensive and abusive' comments and added that it was a 'shame' that they had to take the step.
Richard Lochead, MSP for Moray, said that it was 'troubling' to see such a reaction to the post.
He said: "I understand that this event is supported by the library service given the benefits of reading for learning and that the format is not new. Of course parents are under no obligation to take their children to this reading.
“I have to say, it is deeply troubling to see the event being whipped up as part of culture wars on social media.
"I only wish that those elected representatives and others that are expressing such strong feelings publicly were as equally motivated by statistics out this week illustrating the unacceptable level of child poverty in Moray."
Neil Alexander, Moray Lib Dem leader, accused Mr Ross of 'stoking hatred' after the MP took to social media earlier today.
Mr Alexander said: "The vile hatred directed at Miss Lossie Mouth and Moray Council regarding this event is unacceptable in Scotland in 2023.
"The event was announced on the same day as new stats showed that Moray has the highest percentage of child poverty in the entire north of Scotland, yet that has received nowhere near the same attention.
"It's deplorable of our elected MP to be attacking this individual in this way and stoking such hatred. We deserve better."