Have your say on £550 million Red John pumped storage hydro scheme near Dores on Loch Ness at drop-in event at Lochardil House Hotel in Inverness
A public consultation event is being held this week into the development of a new electricity storage scheme.
The £550 million Red John pumped storage hydro scheme near Dores on Loch Ness was given the green light by the Scottish Government in June last year.
Now developer Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is inviting the public to share their views over the routing of underground cables connecting Red John to the Knocknagel substation, and the substation’s extension.
A spokesman said: “We would like to extend an invitation to local members of the community and all interested parties to attend an exhibition to discuss our plans with the project team and let us know your thoughts on our proposals.”
The consultation event will be held on a drop-in basis at Lochardil House Hotel in Stratherrick Road, Inverness this Thursday between 2pm and 7pm.
• For more information contact community liaison manager Ryan Davidson by email at ryan.davidson@sse.com