The F Factor aiming to help Inverness businesswomen
A NEW group for businesswomen in Inverness will be launched later this month.
The F Factor is a business club in the Highlands which will provide training on Instagram sales at Inverness Creative Academy on November 28.
It is the brainchild of business owner Hayley Muir and it is aimed to be a supportive networking club for female business leaders and employees.
The club is open to women of all ages and from a wide range of businesses, and aims to provide no cost membership and inclusive networking and training events to women starting up or running an existing small rural business.
She said: “Working for yourself from home or within a small partnership can be an isolating experience for many women. Networking can seem intimidating too, especially if you don’t feel confident, so I wanted to offer something with as few barriers to membership as possible.
“The F Factor will offer a really supportive, informal and non-pressured space in which women can share, learn and grow together.”
The first event has been organised in partnership with Enterprise Nation and Facebook who together are running a series of nationwide events, under the banner #SheMeansBusiness, to provide inspiring training on how best to utilise Instagram to grow business.
It will be led by accredited trainer Fin Wycherley, who said: “When women do better, economies do better, which is something we all want. I’m excited to be educating and empowering women in business here in the Highlands with Instagram training.”
Tickets for the event, which will begin at 9.30am, are available through Eventbrite and anyone interested in joining the group will be able find it on social media.