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Further advice from NHS Highland on Strep A risks

Strep A advice from NHS Highland.
Strep A advice from NHS Highland.

NHS Highland has issued advice aimed at helping to stop the spread of Strep A infections including scarlet fever.

Along with a rise in cases across the country in recent weeks, parents online have also been reporting a shortage of antibiotics at local pharmacies to combat infections.

NHS Highland was unable to confirm this yesterday but has shared advice and information online about how best to avoid infection.

A spokesman said: “It’s important both adults and children take the following steps to help reduce the risk of catching or spreading infections.”

Steps include: washing hands properly with soap for 20 seconds; using a disposable tissue to catch coughs and sneezes; keeping away from others when feeling unwell.

The spokesman said Strep A symptoms are usually mild but added: “Strep A can however cause a rare and more serious infection known as invasive Group A strep (iGAS).

“This happens when GAS bacteria get into parts of the body where it is not normally found, like the lungs or bloodstream.”

Parents were also sent letters last week from the health board confirming higher than usual numbers of GAS infections in Scotland and persistently high numbers of cases of scarlet fever.

Dr Jenny Wares, consultant in public health medicine (health protection) said symptoms to look out for in children include headache; sore throat; high temperature; swollen tongue; swollen neck glands; loss of appetite and nausea or vomiting.

Dr Wares said: “Streptococci survive in throats and on hands for long enough to allow easy spread between people through sneezing, coughing and skin contact.”

• For more information visit NHS inform.

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