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Drivers face 75-minute bridge delay

By Andrew Dixon

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Work will start on the Kessock Bridge on Sunday.
Work will start on the Kessock Bridge on Sunday.

MOTORISTS are being warned to expect delays of up to 75 minutes next week when crossing Kessock Bridge — from both directions.

Traffic chaos is forecast for Inverness as a result of the £80,000 structural repair work which runs for eight days from this Sunday.

A contraflow system will be put in place on the busy section of the A9 and the speed limit will be reduced from 70mph to 30mph throughout.

The northbound lanes will be closed during the first part of the works, while the southbound lanes will shut for the remainder.

But it is at peak times that drivers’ patience will be tested — that is coming into Inverness between 7am and 10am and then leaving Inverness from 4pm until 7pm.

"In all seriousness, we are expecting one hour and 15 minute delays — that is the reality," said Cathel Macaskill, customer service manager for Scotland Transerv, the agency which will carry out the work for Transport Scotland.

"It will be on the bridge both ways at peak times in the mornings and in the evenings."

Businesses are expected to be hit hard, despite employers being urged to alter working hours and employees encouraged to use public transport, car share or work from home.

See today's Inverness Courier for the full story.

* Please contact us if you get stuck in traffic on Monday morning. Let us know when and where, as well as how much time it adds to your normal journey. Let us know by phone (01463 233059), email (editorial@inverness-courier.co.uk) or on our Facebook page.

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