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Dalneigh pupil to star in TV fundraiser

By Louise Glen

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A Dalneigh Primary School pupil has had a film made about his fundraising during lockdown for a programme due to air on STV next month.

Shaun Maclean (8) raised £920 for children less well off by completing 200 laps of an assault course in his garden during the pandemic.

Producers of the upcoming show told his mum Marie Maclean (45) that he was a “perfect” subject and had been a great person to have on camera with his chatty nature.

Mrs Maclean said: “Shaun raised money during the lockdown after he was inspired by Captain Tom, and he wanted to do something to raise money for other children.

“He designed an assault course in the garden and he completed 200 laps over a week during lockdown. He raised £920.

Shaun Maclean (8) being filmed in his front garden for the STV Children's Appeal.
Shaun Maclean (8) being filmed in his front garden for the STV Children's Appeal.

“His donations came from family and friends, and we put them into the STV Appeal.”

The family then heard that STV wanted to come and film the youngster, who is in primary four, for a show due to go out on Friday October 16, as part of the STV’s annual appeal.

Mrs MacLean added: “He was very good in front of the camera. We were worried that he might have been talking too much, but the team said that he was ‘made for TV’ and they said he was perfect in front of the camera.

“We can’t wait to see what they have done with the piece, and we look forward to seeing Shaun on STV on October 16.”

Shaun Maclean (8) being filmed for the STV Children's Appeal.
Shaun Maclean (8) being filmed for the STV Children's Appeal.

The STV Children’s Appeal was launched in 2011 by The Hunter Foundation and STV. They came together to raise funds and to help make a real difference to those who need it most, by providing practical help like food and warm clothes; creating opportunities for training and employability; and enabling social and emotional support.

For this year’s STV Appeal people are being asked to host a socially distanced Big Scottish Breakfast during October to raise money for the one in four children living in poverty across Scotland.

Hosts are asked to make a breakfast for friends and family in a safe and socially distanced away, and then by collecting a donation helping to raise money for the STV Appeal.

For more information see information on the STV Appeal at www.stv.tv/appeal

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