Controversial traffic control measures in Inverness scaled back
After reports of chaos on the approach to Millburn roundabout in Inverness the council has removed barriers narrrowing the road for vehicles.
Earlier this week the Courier highlighted safety fears voiced by drivers using Millburn Road where Spaces for People measures – meant to make socially distancing easier for pedestrians and cyclists – saw the road reduced to a single lane on the approach to the roundabout.
Drivers reported lengthy tailbacks beyond the Raigmore Interchange and the dangerous behaviour by some caught out by the single lane.
The change was welcomed by Inverness South councillor Andrew Jarvie, a fierce opponent of the Millburn Road arrangements as well as the one-way system in Castle Street.
“I think it’s clear these measures needed to be removed,” he said.
“It was tried, it was in place in case it was needed, but the conclusion is being drawn that it is not needed.”
An HGV driver, John Billings, said the partial removal of barriers had made things a little easier but still felt the whole lot should go.
“Some eco warrior in Highland Council has got this so wrong,” he said.
David Traill of J Graham and Co shooting and angling shop in Inverness’s Castle Street, said earlier this week the measures were threatening the future of city businesses by putting shoppers off visiting.
Yesterday he said: “It is great that some of these measures have been reduced on Millburn Road, and it is now time to remove the ones around Castle Street completely.
“They do not work, they are crippling local business and unless someone can come down here and tell me that they do work and will be good for business then they need removed now. “
Mr Traill previously said that the Places for People traffic management in Castle Street were doing more damage to small business than Covid ever had.
A spokesman for Highland Council said: “The temporary Spaces for People intervention measures on the Millburn Road roundabout, a two-way cycle lane, was removed for safety reasons due to increasing traffic levels.
“Large queues were building up back to the Raigmore Interchange and trunk roads, particularly when the railway level crossing on Harbour Road was closed.
“In addition, it was judged that the benefits of the on-carriageway two-way cycle lane from the Millburn roundabout to the Chieftain Hotel on Millburn Road were outweighed by the safety problems created at the Diriebught Road junction.”
He added: “All other measures in the city have been working well and are still in place.”
Related article: Critics round on coronavirus traffic management measures