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Candlelit vigil to be held for baby

By Gregor White

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Munlochy's Audrey Mackinnon (left) with baby Charlie Gard and his grandmother Elizabeth Yates.
Munlochy's Audrey Mackinnon (left) with baby Charlie Gard and his grandmother Elizabeth Yates.

SUPPORTERS of efforts to allow critically ill baby Charlie Gard to travel to the US for potentially life-saving treatment are to hold a candlelit vigil in Inverness tomorrow.

The High Court ruled recently that Great Ormond Street Hospital can remove all treatment except pain relief from the eight-month-old, who suffers from genetic mitochondrial disease, which saps energy from his organs and muscles.

His parents are currently appealing.

Charlie’s family includes relatives in the Inverness area and Audrey Mackinnon, from Munlochy, a cousin of his mum Connie Yates, said: "The vigil will make clear how we believe he deserves this one last chance," she said.

It takes place in Falcon Square at 6.30pm

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