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Candidates fighting for Nairnshire seat react to election call

By Alistair Whitfield

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Candidates for the new Moray West, Nairn and Strathspey constituency have reacted to yesterday’ surprise news that a General Election will be held on July 4.

The new Moray West, Nairn and Strathspey constituency, with the previous boundary marked in red.
The new Moray West, Nairn and Strathspey constituency, with the previous boundary marked in red.

The new constituency will see Nairn share an MP with Dalwhinnie and Elgin – more than 70 miles apart.

Six candidates will be fighting for the seat: Kathleen Robertson (Conservative), James Hynam (Labour), Neil Alexander (Liberal Democrats), Draeyk Van Der Horn (Scottish Greens), Graham Leadbitter (SNP) and Euan Morrice (Scottish Family Party).

Draeyk Van Der Horn, a Moray councillor who represents Forres, will stand for the Scottish Greens.

He said: “Desperate times call for desperate timing. This is less about it being a good time for an election and more about it's so bad, let’s get it over with.

“The central plank of our campaign is getting a better deal for Scotland from the UK Government to fund what local people are calling for.

“I will also be campaigning on a meaningful windfall tax on polluters and North Sea operations, the revocation of all new oil and gas licences and a workers-led just transition.

“I also want a four-day working week, a universal minimum income, plus a UK bill of rights for the people and the planet.

“This election will be decided on who has the better politics and the question of who you can trust.”

Neil Alexander who lives locally and plays for Moray Rugby Club is standing for the Scottish Liberal Democrats.

He said: “I am delighted that the Prime Minister has finally called a General Election, but let's be clear - it's about time.

"In Moray West, Nairn and Strathspey, people are fed up with being taken for granted by its two failing Governments at Westminster and Holyrood.

"In this new constituency, which over half used to be Lib Dem until 2015, we will be fighting for local priorities – like access to local healthcare, recruiting more GPs, improving the safety of the A96 and a clean water act to finally protect our waters from sewage dumping.

"The Conservatives and SNP are two sides of the same coin, and I am very excited to be putting forward our local priority campaign."

Graham Leadbitter, the SNP’s candidate said his party had been out on the doorsteps for some time and would continue to campaign “vigorously”.

Graham Leadbitter at Packhorse Bridge in Carrbridge.
Graham Leadbitter at Packhorse Bridge in Carrbridge.

The Moray councillor who lives in Elgin added: “The SNP are the only party that is wholly driven by the interests of communities in Scotland to hold the UK Government to account and make the positive case for Scottish Independence.

“The London-based Conservatives have heaped misery on households with the highest inflation in decades, soaring energy bills – especially for Moray & the Highlands, reducing Scotland’s share of UK spending to the lowest level since 1999 and hammering public services.

“SNP MPs in sharp contrast are vigorously leading the campaign on energy prices and tackling the Tories' cost of living crisis, making the case for investment in public services and vital infrastructure, challenging the Prime Minister on the impacts of Brexit and leading the way on key moral issues including consistently calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and opposing immoral deportations to Rwanda.

“I have been out with SNP activists every week campaigning vigorously throughout the constituency and we will be doing so right up to polling day.

“Voters have a choice – more of the same with the Tories and Labour, or the fresh and loud voice of SNP MPs backing their communities and the issues that impact them.”

The Labour candidate is James Hynam, a frontline NHS worker from Forres, who is the chair of the parent council at Kinloss Primary School.

He said: “Given that Labour has been calling for an election since last year I’m obviously delighted that we finally have the chance to kick out this rotten government.

“It’s not ideal timing in terms of school holidays, so I would urge voters with holiday plans to ensure they’ve got a postal vote set up – but so far as I’m concerned the sooner we’re rid of this government, the better.

“One of the most important issues in this election is trust, which has been completely eroded by two governments – in both Holyrood and Westminster – who have let them down so badly.

“Voters look at Labour and they see strong and stable leadership, in contrast the chaos in both the Tories and the SNP.

“The main thing voters comment to me about, however, is public services – which desperately need investment. I went to Forres Academy when Gordon Brown was Chancellor, and you could see the investment coming into our schools. Now they’re literally falling apart.

“We need a Labour government to get that sort of investment back, and the only way to get that is by voting for a Labour MP.”

Kathleen Robertson, the Conservative candidate, is a vet who lives in Forres and serves as the leader of Moray Council.

She said: “I’m glad a date has been chosen and we can focus on the campaign. I look forward to knocking on doors and continuing my journey around the constituency introducing myself and meeting those voters I haven’t yet met.

“The timing is entirely in the gift of the Prime Minister. However, I have been ready for some months depending on when the election was to be called.

“The issues I am hearing on the doors are about the A96 and the A9 , healthcare, defence spending and the risks of the geo-political environment, the economy and, of course, disillusionment of the SNP not delivering for the people.”

Euan Morrice from Dufftown is standing for the Scottish Family Party.

He said: "It does come a wee bit of a surprise after so much speculation. I reckon he is pouncing on the positive inflation numbers and thinks he can turn it round.

“It’s near certain our next government is a Labour one, but a lot can happen in six weeks.

“I'll be getting started on the campaign and wish my fellow candidates the best of luck.”

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