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Bookings at youth hostels on North Coast 500 show encouraging signs for 2022, Hostelling Scotland says

By John Davidson

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Hostelling at Torridon. Picture: Hostelling Scotland.
Hostelling at Torridon. Picture: Hostelling Scotland.

Youth hostels on the North Coast 500 and elsewhere in the Highlands are proving popular with travellers now that the facilities are fully open again.

Hostelling Scotland says bookings for its network of 29 hostels are encouraging, with a 50 per cent occupancy rate for April.

The charity expects the trend in bookings to continue into the summer.

A spokesman said: "Hostelling Scotland is very encouraged by the confidence already being shown by guests keen to get back to the full hostelling experience they all know and love.

"Bookings across the network, in particular those on the NC500 route and Skye, are averaging 50 per cent occupancy in April, and the award winning, remote and eco-friendly Loch Ossian Youth Hostel is proving very popular with people grabbing the chance to 'get away from it all’ in the beautiful surroundings of Rannoch Moor.

"This promising trend in bookings across the network is showing early signs of continuing into the summer months. Destinations such as the Islands, Glen Nevis, Oban, Achmelvich and Torridon are again proving a popular choice for young travellers, couples and families keen to make full use of the shared public spaces, private rooms or shared dorm accommodation, and popular facilities such as the self-catering kitchens.

Loch Ossian. Picture: Hostelling Scotland.
Loch Ossian. Picture: Hostelling Scotland.

"Demand is also rising in city youth hostels as group travel starts to return, while an increase in the number of ‘dog friendly’ WoofHostels and the option for exclusive private hire (RentaHostel) offer alternative accommodation opportunities and extend the appeal of hostelling to a much broader audience."

Hostelling Scotland is a membership organisation with more than 8000 lifetime members, 29 youth hostels and 26 affiliate hostels.

Hostelling Scotland CEO Margo Paterson said: "We’re delighted that guests can once more enjoy the social aspects that sit at the heart of hostelling – cooking up a storm in our self-catering kitchens, enjoying a glass of wine or a local beer with friends and a good night’s sleep in a private en-suite room, or a bed in a shared dorm."

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