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Baby hedgehog halts flight to Inverness

By Andrew Dixon

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A flight to Inverness was delayed by a baby hedgehog.

The captain of the Loganair service from Stornoway to Inverness on Thursday evening slammed on the brakes on approach to the runway after spotting the hedgehog could be in danger.

Passenger Roddy Macleod, of Beauly, posted several tweets about the situation.

He said: "I was on the LM156 from Stornoway to Inverness at 5pm. The aircraft was taxing towards the runway when all of a sudden the brakes went on like an emergency stop!

"After a minute the captain came over the radio telling us that he was waiting on a baby hedgehog to pass.

"A minute or two later I looked out my window to the left and here it was walking off the tarmac onto the grass. Nice touch from the captain!"

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