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Inverness man sent to Young Offenders Institution after repeated offences while drunk

By Court Reporter

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AN Inverness man who was on over half a dozen community payback orders (CPO) receiving support from social workers has been sent to a Young Offenders Institution for six months.

Sheriff Gary Aitken told Stephen Dick (20), of Mackintosh Road, that he had run out of patience with him.

Inverness Sheriff Court heard that Dick cannot stay away from alcohol and when sober, he was polite and intelligent. However when drunk, he was a different person, Dick’s lawyer, Marc Dickson said.

Sheriff Aitken told Dick: “I have heard a number of times that your difficulty is alcohol.

“The court has taken a number of steps to assist you with that and the latest report from social workers makes exceedingly poor reading. As such, they are no longer in a position to support you because of your attitude.

“You have reached the end of the

Dick had appeared for sentence on seven CPO reviews, breaches of orders and a deferred sentence.

Fiscal depute Pauline Gair said that Dick had been playing music too loudly in his flat on February 15 and despite three visits and a warning from police, it continued.

Dick was on a bail condition not to consume alcohol and when police wanted to breathalyse him, he refused, Mrs Gair went on. He admitted the breach of bail and antisocial behaviour.

Mr Dickson said: “An impromptu party had started with some of his fairweather friends. He had little control and lost control.

“Alcohol is his Achilles’ heel. He is easily manipulated and can be preyed upon by others.”

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