A9 dualling petition set for Holyrood hearing
The 3,833-signature petition raised by the A9 Dual Action Group is to go before Holyrood’s Public Petitions Committee in mid June.
The petition to dual the A9 and improve road safety (PE1992) will be heard on June 14 at Holyrood.
It calls on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to deliver on the dualling commitment it made in 2011 by:
- publishing a revised timetable and detailed plan for dualling each section;
- completing the dualling work by 2025 and
- creating a memorial to those who have lost their lives in road traffic incidents on the A9.
“I’ve spoken to the petition clerk for PE1992,” said the group’s co-founder Laura Hansler of Kincraig, “and we now have an outline for proceedings.
“It will go out live on Parliament TV. There is a petition on just prior to myself. I’ve agreed that I will present evidence alongside ICE Institution of Civil Engineers Scotland. There will then be a short adjournment, Transport Scotland will then be called to answer, and I will watch proceedings with my partner from the public gallery. I could well be recalled before the hearing ends for the day.”
The public can attend in the public gallery and should apply for tickets from June 7.
The Scottish Government announced in February that its 2025 dualling target for the A9 was ‘unachieveable’.