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Rail station in line for upgrade following franchise award

11 October 2014
Rail station in line for upgrade following franchise award

Rail station in line for upgrade following franchise award

11 October 2014

Plans have emerged for a significant revamp of Inverness rail station including a major shopping development along with a new entrance and concourse.

Catwalk kids to strut their stuff for charity

20 September 2014
Catwalk kids to strut their stuff for charity

Catwalk kids to strut their stuff for charity

20 September 2014

The catwalk awaits a group of youngsters who are preparing to take part in a fund-raising fashion show.

Allotment plan aims to dig deep to help appeal

13 September 2014
Allotment plan aims to dig deep to help appeal

Allotment plan aims to dig deep to help appeal

13 September 2014

A novel fundraising idea to help sick children in hospital by renting out allotments for people to grow their own food has taken a step forward with the…

Wind boss quits over anti-gay comments

12 September 2014
Wind boss quits over anti-gay comments

Wind boss quits over anti-gay comments

12 September 2014

THE under-fire boss of a renewable energy company has resigned following a backlash against homophobic remarks he posted on social media.

Record election turnout expected in Highlands for referendum

06 September 2014
Record election turnout expected in Highlands for referendum

Record election turnout expected in Highlands for referendum

06 September 2014

ELECTIONS manager John Bruce and his team are expecting a record turnout across the Highlands when people cast their vote in the Scottish independence…

Follow the movie trail and walk 500 miles

15 August 2014
Follow the movie trail and walk 500 miles

Follow the movie trail and walk 500 miles

15 August 2014

The campaign to raise £2 million for a new Highland Children’s Unit at Raigmore is urging people to take a leaf out of The Proclaimers’…

Inverness pays homage to those who died in WWI

05 August 2014
Inverness pays homage to those who died in WWI

Inverness pays homage to those who died in WWI

05 August 2014

The "devastating" losses suffered by Highland communities during World War I were highlighted as crowds gathered in Inverness to commemorate the centenary…

Heatwave brings deluge of rubbish at beauty spots

30 July 2014
Heatwave brings deluge of rubbish at beauty spots

Heatwave brings deluge of rubbish at beauty spots

30 July 2014

BEACH-GOERS have been urged to take their rubbish home after soiled nappies and chicken carcasses were among the items discarded on a popular beach.

Pedal trio raise £11,000 for ARCHIE

26 July 2014
Pedal trio raise £11,000 for ARCHIE

Pedal trio raise £11,000 for ARCHIE

26 July 2014

A trio of cyclists who pedalled from Land’s End to John O’Groats to help sick children at Raigmore Hospital have raised £11,000 —…

Ban defying smokers put hospital patients at risk

20 July 2014
Ban defying smokers put hospital patients at risk

Ban defying smokers put hospital patients at risk

20 July 2014

SMOKERS who defy a cigarette ban at Raigmore Hospital and light up outside a renal unit are making kidney dialysis patients ill through passive smoking.

Work set to start on new Raigmore children's unit

18 July 2014
Work set to start on new Raigmore children's unit

Work set to start on new Raigmore children's unit

18 July 2014

Work is expected to start in the next few weeks on an ambitious project to develop a top-class children’s unit at Raigmore Hospital.

Communities prepare to welcome Commonwealth baton

11 July 2014
Communities prepare to welcome Commonwealth baton

Communities prepare to welcome Commonwealth baton

11 July 2014

The ringing of church bells and photographs with Nessie will mark the Inverness to Fort Augustus stage of the Commonwealth Games Queen’s Baton Relay.

'All the 8s' - but bingo it isn't!

23 June 2014
'All the 8s' - but bingo it isn't!

'All the 8s' - but bingo it isn't!

23 June 2014

Allana Mackay is preparing to push herself to her limits with eight personal challenges over the next eight months as the Highland Children’s Unit…

City square set to be turned into public plaza

23 June 2014
City square set to be turned into public plaza

City square set to be turned into public plaza

23 June 2014

Falcon Square could be transformed with trees, seats and public art if councillors approve a multi-million pound expansion of the Eastgate Centre tomorrow.

City set for world canal conference cash boost

14 June 2014
City set for world canal conference cash boost

City set for world canal conference cash boost

14 June 2014

Inverness is expected to net a £300,000 economic windfall after being chosen to host a prestigious international conference.

Biking trio face gruelling end-to-end challenge

14 June 2014
Biking trio face gruelling end-to-end challenge

Biking trio face gruelling end-to-end challenge

14 June 2014

Three cycling novices will embark on an ambitious Lands End to John O’Groats cycle challenge next month to raise money for sick children in Raigmore…

Retired Inverness solicitor died while travelling the world

08 June 2014
Retired Inverness solicitor died while travelling the world

Retired Inverness solicitor died while travelling the world

08 June 2014

COMMEMORATIONS are being planned to celebrate the life a former well-known Inverness solicitor who died while travelling in Norway.

Bike event team to honour brave Keir

07 June 2014
Bike event team to honour brave Keir

Bike event team to honour brave Keir

07 June 2014

Family and friends of a young Inverness boy who died while waiting for a lung transplant will take part in a fund-raising cycling challenge today to help…

Flyover plan for city's A9 bottleneck

31 May 2014
Flyover plan for city's A9 bottleneck

Flyover plan for city's A9 bottleneck

31 May 2014

ONE of Inverness’s worst bottlenecks could be bypassed with a flyover under multi-million-pound roads plans unveiled yesterday.

Cyclists needed for One Great Day Challenge

24 May 2014
Cyclists needed for One Great Day Challenge

Cyclists needed for One Great Day Challenge

24 May 2014

Teams of cyclists are being invited to pedal 628 miles — the distance from Inverness to London — without leaving the Highland Capital.

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