MSP Edward Mountain tells council leader Raymond Bremner it ‘brings the council into direct competition with local businesses’.
Some parents say additional support is not available where it should be.
He argued for five per cent of revenue to be held locally as he was keen to “set down a marker’ in his first speech.
The move paves the way for the local authority to ban fireworks in misuse hotspots.
Legislation is due to come into effect in the Autumn and could pave the way to introducing a visitor levy.
Fears for the project emerged yesterday when the finance secretary warned ‘we cannot afford all of our capital commitments’.
Fireworks control zones could be imposed through a community request due to ‘anti-social behaviour’.
Finance secretary Shona Robison warns ‘we cannot afford all of our capital commitments’
BBC Scotland claims the new UK government-backed energy company will go to Aberdeen.
One says it is ‘deeply troubling’ while a second believes ‘big money has defeated democracy’.
Chief Superintendent Robert Shepherd says it is intended to create a ‘hostile’ environment for groups from Birmingham, Derby, Liverpool and London.
Businessman Scott Murray says ‘they are going to lose the public purse £4 million when we are going to have pensioners struggling to heat their homes’
He says work must accelerate ‘otherwise, we will continue to see more lives being needlessly lost’.
He wants VisitScotland to reverse its decision to close tourist information centres due to its ‘digital first’ strategy.
The five new bosses will work in areas like education, care, housing, property and health and social care.
Opposition leader Alasdair Christie says: “The question must be asked: What damage or impact is it having on our children’s education?”
The council will seek to overturn Lord Sandison’s verdict that the plan was ‘predicated on’ an ‘unlawful consultation’
He is the third member to leave the Conservative group at Highland Council since the 2022 election.
Barrow Campsite’s Ewan McConachie warns that the council’s campervan scheme will ‘have a direct detrimental effect on my future business’.
So far 342 facilities have been screened producing a shortlist of the 40 worst performing buildings for carbon emissions.