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First minister calls on shoppers to be sensible and not panic buy

20 March 2020
First minister calls on shoppers to be sensible and not panic buy

First minister calls on shoppers to be sensible and not panic buy

20 March 2020

Nicola Sturgeon said there is no need to stockpile if everyone remains 'sensible'

First Minister to business: we will do 'everything we can to help'

20 March 2020
First Minister to business: we will do 'everything we can to help'

First Minister to business: we will do 'everything we can to help'

20 March 2020

Coronavirus has caused a significant economic downturn in the economy bringing many businesses to the brink

Universal Credit claimants urged to be on the look out for DWP messages after Highland Council rent hike

20 March 2020
Universal Credit claimants urged to be on the look out for DWP messages after Highland Council rent hike

Universal Credit claimants urged to be on the look out for DWP messages after Highland Council rent hike

20 March 2020

Highland Council tenants claiming Universal Credit have been urged to take appropriate action after the recent rise in social housing rents.

Scottish Government calls on councils to maintain additional support needs education despite school closures

20 March 2020
Scottish Government calls on councils to maintain additional support needs education despite school closures

Scottish Government calls on councils to maintain additional support needs education despite school closures

20 March 2020

Highland MSP Edward Mountain raised concerns in Holyrood about the disruption to ASN pupils after nationwide school closures was announced

Prime Minister aims to 'turn the tide' against coronavirus within 12 weeks

19 March 2020
Prime Minister aims to 'turn the tide' against coronavirus within 12 weeks

Prime Minister aims to 'turn the tide' against coronavirus within 12 weeks

19 March 2020

He also wants to ramp up testing to 250,000 a day

Highland Council confirms that schools will shut on Friday

19 March 2020
Highland Council confirms that schools will shut on Friday

Highland Council confirms that schools will shut on Friday

19 March 2020

Currently no end date for the closures is in sight and urgent work is being done to assess the latest government guidance

Pupils to get results by August 4 according to the SQA

19 March 2020
Pupils to get results by August 4 according to the SQA

Pupils to get results by August 4 according to the SQA

19 March 2020

That is despite the education secretary John Swinney confirming exams had been cancelled for 2020

Interest rates slashed for the second time in just over a week

19 March 2020
Interest rates slashed for the second time in just over a week

Interest rates slashed for the second time in just over a week

19 March 2020

Interest rates have been cut by the Bank of England in a bid to support the UK economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Scottish Government to issue £2.2bn lifeline for businesses

19 March 2020
Scottish Government to issue £2.2bn lifeline for businesses

Scottish Government to issue £2.2bn lifeline for businesses

19 March 2020

Businesses are facing an 'immediate collapse in demand' and the package will be available from April 1

Coronavirus has forced Highland Council to postpone all committee meetings and member workshops

19 March 2020
Coronavirus has forced Highland Council to postpone all committee meetings and member workshops

Coronavirus has forced Highland Council to postpone all committee meetings and member workshops

19 March 2020

Workshops have also been affected but planning and licensing may have to go ahead to conclude applications within a specific time-frame

Staffing at essential Highland agencies like the council remains a major concern

19 March 2020
Staffing at essential Highland agencies like the council remains a major concern

Staffing at essential Highland agencies like the council remains a major concern

19 March 2020

But the body responsible for disaster management has been meeting regularly and is already working on post COVID-19recovery for the region

Plans for second independence referendum this year shelved

18 March 2020
Plans for second independence referendum this year shelved

Plans for second independence referendum this year shelved

18 March 2020

The Scottish Government has confirmed there will be no second independence referendum this year as it is focused on tackling the coronavirus.

Joint Scottish-UK government action to get food in stores

18 March 2020
Joint Scottish-UK government action to get food in stores

Joint Scottish-UK government action to get food in stores

18 March 2020

Concerns about the reliability of food supplies since panic buying was triggered at the start of the coronavirus outbreak

Highland Council needs time to assess impact of blanket school closures

18 March 2020
Highland Council needs time to assess impact of blanket school closures

Highland Council needs time to assess impact of blanket school closures

18 March 2020

Earlier First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced that schools in Scotland are to close by the weekend

Confirmation that a third person has died from coronavirus in Scotland

18 March 2020
Confirmation that a third person has died from coronavirus in Scotland

Confirmation that a third person has died from coronavirus in Scotland

18 March 2020

The First Minister has confirmed made the announcement during a daily briefing

Confirmation that a third person has died from coronavirus in Scotland

18 March 2020
Confirmation that a third person has died from coronavirus in Scotland

Confirmation that a third person has died from coronavirus in Scotland

18 March 2020

The First Minister has confirmed made the announcement during a daily briefing

Coronavirus: Schools to close across Scotland

18 March 2020
Coronavirus: Schools to close across Scotland

Coronavirus: Schools to close across Scotland

18 March 2020

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed that schools will almost certainly close on Friday.

Church of Scotland calls for all services to stop

17 March 2020
Church of Scotland calls for all services to stop

Church of Scotland calls for all services to stop

17 March 2020

The Church of Scotland has issued a call for all its services to "cease until further notice" – including all Easter services.

NHS Highland moves to appoint guardian for bullying victims

16 March 2020
NHS Highland moves to appoint guardian for bullying victims

NHS Highland moves to appoint guardian for bullying victims

16 March 2020

NHS Highland has launched the process to appoint a go to service for staff who fall victim to bullying or harassment.

Chancellor confirms an extra £780m to fight coronavirus in Scotland

16 March 2020
Chancellor confirms an extra £780m to fight coronavirus in Scotland

Chancellor confirms an extra £780m to fight coronavirus in Scotland

16 March 2020

Highland regional MSP Donald Cameron has welcomed news that Scotland will get an additional £780 million to deal with the coronavirus.

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