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Two sports facilities projects in Inverness to receive £275,000 funding boost

By Federica Stefani


Highland Council’s city of Inverness area committee has agreed funding for new facilities at Torvean and the Inverness Campus.

A total of £25,000 from developer contributions is to go towards the delivery of Torvean Park, a new leisure, tourism and recreation destination south of the A82.

Its opening is aimed to coincide with completion of the second stage of the nearby new West Link road and canal bridge.

The other half of the estimated £50,000 total cost of delivering the new park will be provided from Carbon Clever Active Travel Funding.

Councillors also agreed, in principle, to the funding of £250,000 towards the delivery of a new sports pitch at the Inverness Campus.

Discussions are proposed with partners to confirm community use arrangements and compatibility with the aspirations of groups including Craig Dunain Rugby Club.

The estimated £900,000 sports pitch would provide a shared facility between Inverness College and associated UHI groups, the local community and local sport clubs.

The UHI board has already committed £250,000 towards its delivery and further funding opportunities are being investigated by Inverness College / UHI and the project board.

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