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VIEW FROM THE COP: Highlands and Islands MSP Ariane Burgess takes to the streets to call for climate justice at COP 26

Ariane Burgess MSP.
Ariane Burgess MSP.

Scottish Greens Highlands and Islands MSP Ariane Burgess has today joined people from across the world at the Fridays For Future March led by young and indigenous peoples in Glasgow. Tomorrow she will attend the Global Day of Action.

Thousands of young people and their families are marching in Glasgow in the Fridays for Future March today and tomorrow in the Global Day of Action for climate justice alongside climate activist Greta Thunberg.

They are using the COP 26 conference in Glasgow to call on governments and organisations across the world to take action on the climate crisis before it’s too late.

Ariane Burgess MSP said: “I am humbled to be able to support the march here in Glasgow today and excited to see that people across the Highlands and Islands are hosting sister events all over the Region. I want to do all I can to support and listen to our young people and to indigenous peoples who are the most impacted by the Climate Crisis.”

“For Greens like myself who have been involved in climate activism for years there can be a degree of cynicism about the conference.

"Sometimes the very companies that are destroying our planet use COP to launder their image on the world stage.

"It’s especially hard not to view this year as an exercise in greenwashing by the UK government as they prepare to open Cambo oilfield and slash Air Passenger Duty.”

“However, I have hope in, and am so proud of, this new generation. I have been honoured to meet some local climate strikers at the Climate March in Forres and during my tour of the region this summer.

"They are grabbing every opportunity with both hands and I want to do what I can to support them.

"I trust, whatever is negotiated at COP26, Scotland’s young people are going to hold our feet to the flames.”

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