Christians believe life is a precious gift from God, and dying a solemn transition.
Business leader advises to live lives unashamedly unsegmented, says our columnist.
She visits each bedside, encouraging people with life-limiting conditions to talk about thoughts, hopes and fears they may have, says our columnist.
The symbols are portals through which the living Christ in his limitless immensity touches our hearts, says our columnist.
In the end the Prince of Peace in whose front-line we stand shoulder-to-shoulder will overcome, says our columnist.
We are surely called to share ‘the magnetic love of Jesus’ in actions as well as in words, says our columnist.
The Christians who most encourage me are...those who rest gently in the divine love for them, says our columnist.
Sir David Suchet once said if he wrote the story of his coming to faith, he might entitle it ‘Dragged kicking and screaming into Christianity’.
He has a God-given gift of drawing close to people and sharing the Christian good news, says our columnist.
Christians believe God is the source of wisdom to both discern what is happening, and understand how to respond, says our columnist.
Our columnist asks: Who will break the hold of the unjust powers and systems which oppress us?
His marvellous cavasses express something of the unseen Creator, says our columnist about Van Gogh.
God is at work in the Men’s Shed in every conversation, every kind word, says our columnist.
I often find the days of winter’s darkness difficult and testing, says our columnist.
Geoff described two men at a business conference in Mexico. One, a millionaire, the other a corner shop owner, yet they chat together as equals.
In many Nativity scenes, the Wise Men show up at Christmas. But traditionally it was not until January 6, Epiphany, that these Magi reached Bethlehem.
When I meet Prince Callum at Eden Court he has just come from giving Princess Beauty the kiss that awakens in a rehearsal of Sleeping Beauty.
The baby Jesus reveals the extent of God’s love for us. This Jesus sets free all who welcome him, says our columnist.
Once in royal David’s city: the first words of the carol which opens the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols at Inverness Cathedral tonight at 5.30pm.
I love the emphasis that the one family of God exists in two dimensions, says our columnist about the book Sweet Mercies.