YOUR VIEWS: Inverness Hogmanay party cancelled, Academy Street plans and objections to city centre tap room vision
Charging was wrong for city’s Hogmanay party
I’ve just read the article about the cancelled New Year’s Party [Inverness’s Red Hot Highland Fling], and feel that this is the inevitable outcome of going from a free event to one which had to be pre-booked and cost £50 for a family of four.
The event was always well attended in the past partly because it was free, but also because no forward planning was needed to attend. One could make a decision on the night depending on the weather.
I cannot believe that anyone really expected this to work with a £12.50 charge, but had this been a more reasonable jump from £0 to £5 payable in cash or card on the gate on the night, then I am sure there would have been more than 3000 people in the enclosure.
Let’s face it, even 12,000 people at £5 is more than 3000 at £12.50, and there would have been big saving in admin and booking staff.
Once a year had passed and people got used to the idea that the event was no longer free then the rate could have crept up.
Finally, why not be a bit more realistic as to what can be afforded. Two bands instead of three perhaps and a straightforward MC rather than a comedian. Invite catering companies to take a pitch at a charge that reflects the fact that this is an annual new year event.
It would still be a lot better than no event at all.
Ian Hazell
Southside Road
Government priorities ‘don’t match those of the public’
The recent judicial review outcome on the Academy Street Active Travel proposals highlights a broader issue: both local and national administrations appear to be failing to address public concerns effectively as their priorities seem misaligned with those of most voters.
For instance, this year the Scottish Government has allocated £320 million for Active Travel infrastructure. In contrast, providing the Winter Fuel Payment to all pensioners in Scotland would cost £160 million — half of this amount — but this has been deemed “unaffordable.” Additionally, a proposed pay rise for street cleaners is estimated to cost £77 million, with warnings of necessary cuts elsewhere as a result.
It is notable that such a significant sum is being directed towards bike lanes and fine-inducing bus gates when it could be better used to support pensioners facing some of the highest energy costs anywhere in the UK and to fairly reward our essential workers, yet there has been little public debate or meaningful consultation about these types of spending priorities.
If £320 million were instead allocated to support both pensioners and key workers, the remaining £83 million could be used, in part, for reinstating train subsidies and reducing bus fares through the bus partnership scheme including the Park and Ride scheme. This alternative approach could offer a more balanced and equitable solution for encouraging reduced private car use and would make sure that public funds are spent on public rather than political priorities.
As for Academy Street, the public deserves clear answers. A comprehensive independent review should be commissioned without delay to determine why the project went so wrong and to establish the cost to taxpayers. Applying transparency and accountability to the situation will be essential to restore trust and confidence. Failure to do so will just result in public discontent being reflected alternatively at the ballot box.
Name and address supplied
Where are the services to support new housing?
Whilst there is a clear need for new housing in Inverness, what seems least desirable is a newly created legacy of urban sprawl which fails to integrate a serious approach to public transport provision - alongside a failure to invest adequately in healthcare and education provision, alongside other services.
Yet, this is what appears to be happening, is it not?
James Rorison
Skye Court
Objections to city centre tap room plan
A housing association has objected to plans by an Inverness craft brewery to establish a new taproom in the city centre. Plans by Dog Falls Brewery to open a new taproom in Inverness city centre have prompted mixed reactions among the public and residents. Cairn Housing, which owns a property in the residential block above 23 Queensgate, said they are concerned that the change of use will “adversely affect our tenants and the other residents within this location”. Those behind the plan say it will be mainly used for activities such as tastings and retail of their products and merchandise during the day, and will not provide live music or other entertainment.
“I think Cairn Housing need to a little bit of research into what a Tap Room actually is. Let a local brewery succeed.” - Duncan Tait
“I think Cairn Housing is in the wrong place, not the pubs.” - Ruaraidh Arrow
“Ruaridh Arrow, true, but since Cairn Housing was there first I sincerely don’t think it is a good idea to put these two side by side, cheek to cheek.” - Katerina Hadjistavrinou
“I've been biting my tongue but...people need to look at what counts as a suitable objection…Noise and nuisance. The OTHER reason for objecting is that having a pub below you makes it harder to get a mortgage, lowers property value and increases insurance costs but that isn't a valid objection. The vacant property is currently listed as a shop and has been a shop for the entire time there have been flats above it (over 30 years). Changing the license to a public house IS significant, sets a precedent for the property on the other side and while ‘it's a tap house, they are classy and there's no music’ might be semi-true it doesn't mean that if they are successful and move somewhere else or if they fail and close there won't be a different kind of bar in there. There are other locations the tap house could go to. Not all of the properties in here are rentals, many (including mine) have been purchased by the people who live in them. There are families in the building. I have NO DOUBT that the council will probably approve the application regardless of what any of us say…but if it was any of you that had a pub going in right at your front door you would also try to defend yourself from extra disruption and, yes, financial issues. I wish them the best but would rather they were down the street a bit. We get applications ALL THE TIME and I wouldn't object if it wasn't RIGHT THERE.” - Dave Maciver
“A clash between residential properties and bars was entirely predictable. It was never a good idea to put so many residents in the city centre. People don’t get to choose where they live these days, they are desperate for a home. The current private rental market is extortionate to the average person earning minimum wage. Perhaps it would be wiser to build affordable housing outwith the city centre first so that the city centre can have late night attractions for everyone. We don’t all want to go to bars but there’s nothing else to do at night in the city centre. I have no objection as such to another bar, I’d just like to see a bit more on offer to everyone other than just alcohol. I can understand why Cairn would object on behalf of their tenants because they would ultimately get all of the noise and mess complaints.” - Kim Corbett
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