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WATCH: Inverness’s first red plaque unveiled for Highland firefighter who died in line of duty

By Annabelle Gauntlett

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John Mackay, Alex Ferguson, Ruaraidh Ferguson, Margaret Mackay, Ruairidh Mackay and Roddy Mackay.
John Mackay, Alex Ferguson, Ruaraidh Ferguson, Margaret Mackay, Ruairidh Mackay and Roddy Mackay.

A new commemorative plaque was unveiled in honour of firefighter Roderick MacLeod, who lost his life in the line of duty fighting a fire in the Highlands in 1981.

The plaque is part of the Red Plaque project, run by the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) and funded by the Firefighters 100 Lottery.

Kenneth Maclean, piper.
Kenneth Maclean, piper.

It is the first plaque of its kind to have been unveiled at Inverness fire station, and it marks as a tribute to the tragic fire at Aberchalder Lodge, Invergarry, May 21, 1981.

Roderick MacLeod, from the Isle of Lewis, was serving in Inverness when his watch was called to a large fire in the lodge. He died fighting the blaze when the building collapsed, despite the brave efforts of his colleagues to rescue him.

When talking about the tragic incident, chief officer from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Ross Haggard said: “I am proud to say the spirit and bravery of those who have gone before us lives on in our service today.

Red plaque unveiled for Scottish firefighter who died in line of duty.
Red plaque unveiled for Scottish firefighter who died in line of duty.

“The sacrifice made by Roddy will never be forgotten, his memory lives on as a proud part of our history and our thoughts will always be with him and his family.”

The ceremony was attended by family members, members of the public, serving and retired firefighters as well as local dignitaries. A piper recital was followed by a minutes’ silence and wreath laying.

Provost Glynis Campbell Sinclair.
Provost Glynis Campbell Sinclair.

Speakers included FBU officials, with an address from Colin Brown, FBU executive council member for Scotland; Mr Haggart; Inverness Provost Glynis Campbell Sinclair; and former friend and colleague of Roderick’s, John Urquhart.

Seona Hart, Fire Brigades Union (FBU), Scottish Regional Treasurer.
Seona Hart, Fire Brigades Union (FBU), Scottish Regional Treasurer.

After attending what was an ‘emotional ceremony’, Roderick’s cousin Alex Ferguson, who had travelled from Edinburgh to attend the service, said: “Today meant a lot to me. Even after 43-years I found myself getting quite emotional and I can still picture him.

John Urquhart, friend and colleague of Roderick and ex FBU Brigade Highlands and Islands Secretary.
John Urquhart, friend and colleague of Roderick and ex FBU Brigade Highlands and Islands Secretary.

“To have him honoured in the way he was today was just really nice and I just wish that my auntie and uncle could have seen this because they would have been so proud of him.”

Dozens of people gathered to honour Roderick after serving his duty to the fire service for four years including a few servicemen who saluted the red plaque.

Wreath laying.
Wreath laying.

Matt Wrack, FBU general secretary, said: “The Fire Brigades Union pays tribute to fallen firefighters through our Red Plaque project. It is our duty to remember those who have come before us, as part of the history of our fire and rescue service and our communities.

“Firefighters everywhere honour Roderick MacLeod, and we will always remember his sacrifice.”

Seona Hart, FBU Scotland regional treasurer, said: “Today we have gathered in honour of firefighter Roderick MacLeod, who lost his life in May 1981 fighting a fire at Invergarry. By coming together in his memory, we will ensure that his bravery and service to his community will never be forgotten.

“The Red Plaque will stand at Inverness fire station as a place of remembrance and reflection for all.”

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