ASK THE DOC: What is the best treatment for warts?
Q. My daughter is prone to warts and verrucas, is there anything I can do to manage this?
A. Most people will be infected by the human papilloma virus (HPV) at some point in their life and develop warts.
However, there are steps you can take to lower your chances of getting warts and prevent spreading them to others.
To help prevent a wart or a verruca developing you should not touch other people’s warts; not share towels, flannels or other personal items with someone who has a wart; not share shoes or socks with someone who has a verruca; avoid scratching or picking your wart or verruca because it will encourage the HPV to spread to other parts of your body; take care when shaving because the virus can be spread easily if you cut yourself; keep your feet dry, and change your socks every day to help prevent warts developing on your feet.
If you have a wart or verruca cover it up when taking part in communal activities: wear pool slippers or flip flops in communal changing rooms and showers; cover your wart or verruca with a waterproof plaster or a verruca sock when swimming or doing physical education at school; wear gloves when using shared gym equipment if you have a wart on your hand.
The length of time it takes for a wart to disappear will vary. They tend to last longer in older children and adults.
In adults and people with a weakened immune system, warts are less likely to clear up on their own or respond well to treatment.
Leaving the wart to go away by itself is one option. However, you may want to consider treatment if your wart is painful, in an awkward position, or is causing you distress or embarrassment.
If you have a wart on your face you may need to speak with your GP to see if you need to see a specialist for treatment.