SPONSORED CONTENT: Dreuchd ùr ann an 2022? / Thinking about a new career in 2022?
Dreuchd ùr ann an 2022?
Aig an àm seo den bhliadhna, bidh sinn tric a’ smaoineachadh air ar dreuchdan atharrachadh agus mar sin is dòcha gum bi an goireas ùr aig Bòrd na Gàidhlig feumail dhuibh ma tha sibh a’ beachdachadh air dreuchd ùr ann an teagasg tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig.
A’ leantainn air na dleastanasan agus geallaidhean a tha ann am Plana Cànain Nàiseanta Gàidhlig 2018-23 gus tidsearan Gàidhlig a thrusadh, a ghlèidheadh is oideachadh agus sanasachd a dhèanamh air teagasg Gàidhlig mar dhreuchd, tha Bòrd na Gàidhlig air padlet a chruthachadh, a’ togail air bhon bhileag A bheil thu airson teagasg sa Ghàidhlig? aig Comhairle Choitcheann Teagaisg na h-Alba.
Dè th’ann am padlet?
’S e bòrd-fiosrachaidh didseatach a th’ ann am padlet far a bheil làraich-lìn, sgrìobhainnean agus bhideothan air an cruinneachadh air balla.
Cò dha a tha e?
Tha padlet ann gus stiùireadh a thoirt do thidsearan clàraichte a tha airson an sgilean cànain a leasachadh gus gluasad gu Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig; agus padlet eile dhaibhsan a tha a’ beachdachadh air cùrsa Foghlam Gàidhlig a dhèanamh aig ìre fo-cheum no iar-cheum.
Access the Padlets here:
Information for prospective students looking to move into a career in Gaelic Education
Information for qualified teaching practitioners looking to move into Gaelic Medium Education
If you have any questions, please contact our development officer at angela@gaidhlig.scot
Thinking about a new career in 2022?
At this time of year, we often think about changing careers, so you may find Bòrd na Gàidhlig's new resource useful if you are considering a new career in teaching through the medium of Gaelic.
Following on from the commitments in the National Gaelic Language Plan 2018-23 to recruit, retain and educate Gaelic teachers and to advertise Gaelic teaching as a career, Bòrd na Gàidhlig has created a new resource called a padlet. The padlet complements the existing General Teaching Council for Scotland's leaflet, So you want to teach in Gaelic?
What is a padlet?
A padlet is a digital noticeboard where websites, documents and videos are clearly displayed on a single wall.
Who is it for?
One of our padlets provides guidance for registered teachers who wish to develop their language skills in order to transfer to Gaelic Medium Education; while the other padlet has been created for those considering an undergraduate or postgraduate course in Gaelic Education to teach Gaelic as a subject or to teach a secondary subject through the medium of Gaelic.
Access the Padlets here:
Information for prospective students looking to move into a career in Gaelic Education
Information for qualified teaching practitioners looking to move into Gaelic Medium Education
If you have any questions, please contact our development officer at angela@gaidhlig.scot