Looking for help during coronavirus?
We know times are tough right now.
If you are looking for a bit of extra advice or support, the Scottish Government has compiled a list of trusted sources.
You are not in this alone.
Please do not be afraid to ask for help or advice.
National Assistance Helpline
To help people at increased risk access essential help if they do not have family or other support.
Call: 0800 111 4000
Text phone service: 0800 111 4114
(Open office hours Monday to Friday)
0800 028 2816 for general information only
NHS 24:
Call 111 if symptoms worsen or if fever for 7+ days
Shielding local support:
Feeling anxious or depressed?
NHS Inform:
NHS 24: Call 111
Breathing Space:
0800 83 85 87
Scottish Association for Mental Health
0344 800 0550
Samaritans Scotland Helpline:
116 123 / jo@samaritans.org
Advice for pregnant women
or contact your midwife if concerned.
Social welfare and financial help
Citizens Advice Scotland:
0800 028 1456
Struggling with energy bills?
Home Energy Scotland:
0808 808 2282
Consumer issues
Advice Direct Scotland:
0808 800 9060
Employment rights advice
Helpline: 0300 123 1100
Your rights at work
0141 337 8100
For business support
Helpline: 0300 303 0660
Advice for parents
Parentline Scotland:
08000 28 22 33
The Money Talk Team:
0800 085 7145
Information for young people
Information for older people
0800 12 44 222
Dementia – Alzheimer Scotland
Helpline: 0808 808 3000
Scottish Autism Advice Line
01259 222022
Easy-read coronavirus guidance
Helpline: 0141 248 3733
Helping in your community
Domestic Abuse Helpline
Helpline: 0800 027 1234
Rape Crisis Scotland Helpline
Helpline: 08088 01 03 02