New Start Highland given go-ahead for planned development at Inverness base
An Inverness social enterprise planning an ambitious training and reuse ‘village’ has been given the go-ahead for various developments at its base.
New Start Highland aims to reconfigure its base in Carsegate Road to incorporate a new hospitality training facility including a training cafe and training kitchen as part of a £415,800 project to tackle poverty and encourage recycling.
Its application to build a link building, install solar panels and form a new entrance door has been approved by Highland Council planning officers.
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The plans involve the erection of a 2.7m wide link building between the main warehouse and the main building.
The main entrance to the business will be upgraded from a single, to a double door while a timber-clad bike hub pod for the display of refurbished bikes for sale is also planned.
In approving the plans, the planning officers state: “The proposed development will be relatively minor to the area and will not influence any surrounding businesses.”
Earlier this month, Highland Council’s Inverness city committee approved a £65,000 grant from Inverness Common Good Fund towards the overall capital costs of the charity’s planned training and reuse village.
The project, which aims to help tackle poverty while encouraging recycling, is being planned as the cost-of-living crisis, austerity and the pandemic have created more demand on New Start Highland’s services.
The charity, which started in 2000, helps people get back on their feet after suffering hardship such as poverty, homelessness and long-term unemployment.
Its activities range from furniture reuse and bike refurbishment to employability training and housing support,
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