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Inverness sheriff warns of one-punch attack dangers after assault at ATM

Sheriff Gary Aitken heard the case at Inverness Sheriff Court.
Sheriff Gary Aitken heard the case at Inverness Sheriff Court.

A sheriff warned an Inverness man that one punch assaults can lead to victims dying and attackers ending up in the High Court facing a charge of culpable homicide.

Sheriff Gary Aitken told 28-year-old Joshua Jack all it takes is for the victim to “crack his head on the tarmac” resulting in fatal consequences.

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Sheriff Aitken also told Jack: “To assault a relative stranger while under the influence of substances for no particular reason could have been a great deal worse.”

Fiscal depute David Morton told Inverness Sheriff Court that on the night of February 8 this year, Jack and the victim, a stranger to him, had an altercation in a city centre street about money, and the victim went to a High Street ATM to take out cash.

The victim then changed his mind about the agreement, and it was then that Jack punched him on the head.

Jack, of Highfield Avenue, admitted assault to severe injury by hitting the man and rendering him unconscious, and was placed under a community payback order involving him carrying out 180 hours of unpaid work for the community as a direct alternative to a custody. This must be done within 18 months.

Solicitor Marc Dickson said his client had taken steps to ensure this sort of thing never happens again and improve himself.

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