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Search to fill board chair roles begins at UHI Inverness and UHI Moray

Night locator at UHI Inverness Campus. Picture: Gary Anthony. Image No..
Night locator at UHI Inverness Campus. Picture: Gary Anthony. Image No..

The hunt is underway to find the new board chairpersons of UHI Inverness and UHI Moray.

The UHI Inverness post became vacant last month after Mark Sheridan stepped down from his role as chair of the Board of Management following a three-year tenure.

That role, and the same post at UHI Moray, are now being advertised, and hopefuls for either of the posts are able to register their interest and apply online.

“The role of board chair is a challenging but highly rewarding position, with the expectation that the successful candidate will monitor the ongoing performance of the college, ensure that the college board demonstrably acts consistently with the principles of public life, UHI values and demonstrates a commitment to corporate social responsibility,” said Alastair MacColl, chair of court.

The UHI said it was looking for candidates for the two roles who are “committed to our vision and ethos”.

Locators of UHI Moray, Moray Street, Elgin...Picture: Daniel Forsyth..
Locators of UHI Moray, Moray Street, Elgin...Picture: Daniel Forsyth..

Duties for either role would include “maintaining and developing the ethos” of the respective college, “setting corporate objectives in line with local outcome agreement with UHI”, and “assessing the performance of the principal and chief executive”,

They would also monitor the likes of the financial health of their college, monitor its achievements, ensure the wider UHI is provided with timely and accurate reports, and approve the “annual report and financial statements” of their respective college.”

Each of the two posts is for four years initially, and is not open to existing UHI staff or students.

A UHI spokesperson said: “The position of the chair of the board is a highly rewarding voluntary and unpaid role. It offers a rare opportunity to shape UHI Inverness and the education and experience we offer our students by setting an ambitious strategic direction and fostering a collaborative environment. Reasonable out of pocket expenses for Board business are reimbursed.”

For more information about the two roles, and to apply, visit www.aspenpeople.co.uk/microsite/uhi.

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